Monday, November 24, 2008

Very Unhelpful

Munch really enjoys himself when we rake the leaves. And I'm glad he's enjoying himself, because Garrett and I are usually annoyed. If he's not attacking the rake, he's blowing through our well groomed piles or my very favorite, peeing on them. Can I just say how nice it is to pick up a scoopfull of leaves still dripping in dog pee. Its lovely, very very lovely.

The Lone Star State

Thanksgiving week has arrived. Today is my last day at the only job I have known in Salt Lake. Tonight is the last night I get to spend with my pups until Sunday :( Tomorrow we arrive in Austin Texas for a week full of festivities. I can do this.

The husband and I had a nice weekend as usual. We mountain biked Saturday with our buddy Joe. After the ride, we went to our neighbors house to watch Utah beat BYU. While we're not Utah fans per say, I did want to see them kill BYU. That school creeps me out. Seriously. Anyway, it was a good game and I got to play with cute little Mazzie. Playing with babies is fun, especially when you get to give them back. Even Garrett did his fair share of bouncing. ha

Sunday Garrett and I maybe outdid ourselves a tad with a really long trail run. We're in pretty good shape but holy cow, it was still really hard. We took Mogs along for the run and he was such a good boy. He ran off leash the entire time, staying about 4 feet behind us. What a good little running buddy. Afterwards, we raked leaves for like the 400th time. Seriously, where do all these leaves even come from? Its absurd.

We're off to Austin tomorrow afternoon. It will be a nice break for us and I'm definitely looking forward to seeing everyone, but I must admit, I'm going to miss my boys...a lot. Poor Mogs, his first Thanksgiving as our pup, and we're leaving him. Oh well, such is life and he'll be in good hands. I hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Funny Story

A recent telephone conversation:

Me: Garrett, bad news buddy, there is something alive...IN OUR BASEMENT...AGAIN!!

Garrett: What is it?

Me: I have no idea. I am not going down there. Whatever it is, it sounds mad and its scratching.

Garrett: What do you mean mad?

Me: Growling, squeaking....

Garrett: Shit. I'm coming home. (Garrett leaves work in a panic)

Me: I'm outta here. (I left the house)


Garrett: I can't find anything in the basement. I'm down here with the flashlight and the dogs...I can't find anything, living or not living.

Me: Well I'm not crazy. There was most definitely something. Something very angry.

Garrett: Well I'll look again.

Me: Good Luck!!


Garrett: (Laughing hysterically) I think I found your monster.


Me: Garrett, have you seen the famous Shibu Inu puppy cam? Its live video feed, 24 hours a day.



Garrett: Yeah, you know that monster that I rushed home from work was scratching, growling, yipping PUPPIES. Scary I know. (The monitor had shut off but the speakers were still blaring...anyone's mistake)

Here they are...monsters.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Catch Up Time

Sorry I haven't posted in a couple of days. Its not that I didn't have anything to post about, its just that I haven't had the time. I'm sure it will be back to random thoughts and cute Munchie pictures in no time.
Here is what has been going on with me:
First of all, I got a new job. I wasn't really out looking for a new just kinda presented itself to me. I'll be working for Black Diamond, a company whose gear already has a home at my house. We have their skis, their skins, their gloves (several pair), their poles, their ski packs and I think maybe even a headlamp or two. BD is a local Salt Lake company...they are known for their awesome skis and climbing equipment and its a company that is not terribly easy to get a "real" job at. So, when I got the job offer, I just couldn't turn it down. Its a whole new direction for me and I'm more than happy to not be a paralegal. There are lots of people that work there, most my age and almost all share my hobbies and way of life. I think it will be a fantastic opportunity for me to make some friends, a task that has been virtually impossible at Sinclair, with the exception of Hilary. They have some pretty sweet dress code which means flip flops in the summer, Ugg Boots in the winter, and Miss Capezio cowboy boots in between. I can't tell you how happy it makes me to be able to wear jeans to work. Hallelujah...a company that cares about the employees. Another cool thing is your dog can come to work with you. How fun! While I dont think I'll be taking Mr. Grumpo, I do think Mogs will really enjoy himself. Anyway, I start December 1st. Wish me Luck!!

This past weekend was really refreshing for me. New job on the horizon, the hard part of telling my current job I'm leaving was done, and a weekend full of beautiful, perfect weather was just what I needed. Saturday, we did some backcountry skiing up behind Alta with our neighbor Trevor. The weather was great and up high, the snow was pretty great too. Its always weird strapping skis on for the first time of the season, but I'm so looking forward to it this year. Later that night, we went down to the Salt Lake Fat Flake Festival. It was fun...had a beer, got our picture taken and I was suckered into buying a tshirt to support the Avalanche Rescue Dogs. Those guys, with their cute, life risking dogs could probably get me to buy just about anything. Marketing geniuses.

Sunday, the day after skiing, we rode our road shorts. Again, the weather was perfect. We spent the rest of the day raking leaves, pulling weeds, moving flagstone and ended the night with some much needed hot tub time. See, my weekend was nice. Told you.

Thanksgiving is coming up quick. We're traveling to Austin, TX to spend Thanksgiving with the family. This is the first time since we've lived in Utah that we will not be in Moab for Thanksgiving. While Moab is always fun, I'm very much looking forward to seeing everyone, especially Carlyn...I haven't seen her since last Christmas. I think it will be fun times and I'm getting pretty excited. It will be here before I know it.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Awesome comes in many forms. Today, Awesome comes to us in the form of boots. Vintage, 20 year old, Miss Capezio Butterfly boots to be exact. You see, I've wanted a pair of these for a long time...only I'm much too poor and can't afford the asking price of vintage cowboy boots that haven't been made in 20 years. Anyway, I recently found a pair on Craigslist in Lubbock, TX of all places and the lady really had no idea what she was holding on to. I felt like I was stealing from her...excellent condition, my size, my kind of price, but other people's ignorance really isn't my problem. So I sent her paypal with a grin on my face, happily paying the extra $2.50 she wanted to charge me for gas to go to the post office (what the hell, really).

Yesterday was such a gloomy day here in Salt Lake. The world got a little better for me when I pulled into the driveway after work and there was a boot sized box sitting on my doorstep. I hurried to open the box, like a little kid on Xmas and, I was not disappointed. Awesome hardly describes them and they fit really well. They were meant for me.

So, of course, when Garrett got home from work, I had them on. I cooked dinner in them, I watched tv in them, I really never took them off except to get in the hot tub and when I went to bed. I asked Garrett if he was going to be embarrased if these boots are all I wear from now on, with everything. He said he'll just worry about that if it becomes an issue. Well get worried Garrett, a life of embarrasment is ahead of you.

P.S. Garrett thinks they are awesome too.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Mogs runs a 5k

Saturday, Garrett, Mogs and me ran the Chasing Tail 5k. It was a pretty fun event for all of us, especially Mogs. I felt really bad that Munch couldn't come but I just don't think he could run that far...shhh, don't tell him I said that.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

2007 Pink Yeti For Sale

I am selling my 07 Pink Yeti, size small. Here is a link to the ad we have on TMBRA. This bike has been awesome for me, but Garrett says its time for it to go. You know you want to buy it...I mean, who wouldn't want a pink bike?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Snow Day

So, yesterday it snowed all day. We got at least 6 inches at our house and Alta racked up 34 inches. We heard Snowbird is opening on Friday. That's just crazy. While I'm not quite ready for the full blown winter, mostly due to the fact that I have 8 dog paws to wipe everytime the pups go outside, the snow really is pretty.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Better Times

Its snowing outside...hard. I'm making an effort NOT to stick my head in the oven and am trying to think of brighter, happier thoughts. For one, ski season will be here before we know it. Second, hmmm, okay maybe there is only one good thing to come of this.

Even though it was like a month ago, I just got some pictures from 24 Hours of Moab. Jen, a girl on our bike team came down with a photographer buddy and the two of them managed to take some pretty good pics.

Me about to go out for a lap, dont I look thrilled?
My cute husband pushing my bike to the start tent
There's a smile, I must be almost done

Robin, Garrett, Me and Joe...please note my ski goggles
Our Team

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Winter is Here

This is what I want to be doing today, lounging on the couch with a blanket. The weather has gone from nice to windy, rainy and cold all in a very short amount of time. Garrett and I got up at 5 this morning to take Mogs on a run. The weather was perfect. By the time I left the house for work, everything had changed. I think winter might be here and I don't think I like it.

Costume Contest Winner

While my tutu was extremely awesome, this little boy won the prize for cutest costume...hands down. Look at those cute little tusks, I didn't stand a chance.

Maybe next year.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Politics Smolitics

Can I just say that I am soooo glad the election is tomorrow. I'm sure people will still be talking about it, but good god, I hope they don't. We're Americans afterall and a week from now we'll be more interested in something else. (example: Michael Phelps who???) Anyway, this blog is not about politics and never will be. I just think people should get out and vote for the best candidate for them, whoever it is...that way, whoever it is, your voice will be heard and it will be over and we can move on with life. Garrett and I are voting for the candidates who care most about people like us and perhaps those less fortunate. So, do your duty, get out and VOTE!!


Another Halloween has come and gone. We didn't really do too much, hung out at home and handed out candy. I wanted to dress up a little, so I made myself a tutu which I think turned out quite awesome. My goal for next year is to be prepared and really dress up. Dustin has said she will help me make a Poodle Skirt, a classic costume, not slutty in the least. And speaking of that, what's with the slutty costumes? It annoys the shit out of me, truly it does. Girls these days can turn anything slutty on Halloween....slutty bugs, slutty professionals, cheerleaders, slutty pirates, I could go on and on. I don't know, I just don't get it. Maybe someone can enlighten me. Anyway, here are some pics from our Halloween.


Poor Munchie. Okay, poor me. Munch was not himself on Halloween so I was not fully able to enjoy watching him in his bat costume. He mostly layed on the couch. His foot procedure went well, but he was sorta out of it all night, hopped up on pain meds and such. The girls at the vet's office love little Munch and made a pumpkin for his cast. Adorable.