Friday, April 30, 2010

Munch in a Blanket

Munch did not want any part of taking this picture with me. We tried a couple of times, but he wouldn't open his eyes or even pick up his head. What you can't see is my husband dangling a slice of meat over his I'm not sure if Munch is interested in the forseeable treat or the ridiculousness of a grown man waving food over his head to try and get the dog to pay attention for one second. Either way it worked...WE WIN!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Something about SNOW on my tulips...on April freakin 29th...makes me want to punch a kitten. Okay, maybe not a kitten, but it makes me want to punch something.

No, but seriously, this is absurd. My toes are longing for flip flops.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Hello New Patio Furniture

I have been wanting a grown up patio furniture set for some time now. It has taken me years to aquire any b/c I have 2 very strong forces working against me: My expensive taste and my husband's extreme cheapness. So yeah, these things do not go hand in hand and I wasn't willing to settle for the Home Depot special.

Anyway, I found a used Teak set for a VERY reasonable just needed some love. Well, love, a power sander and teak oil. After a full day of work, I think it turned out great.



Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dogs on a Futon

Even though this photo would lead you to believe my dogs are the best of friends, I'm 100% certain Munch would trade Mogley for a piece of cheese.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Spring Time

After a rough start to Spring, Mother Nature decided to give me a break this weekend and allowed me to ride my new mountain a SLEEVELESS jersey. Yeah, it was awesome biking weather and I couln't be more pleased with my new Moots.

So, I'm really going to make an effort to post more often than once every 5 months. There are like 3 people who apparently read this blog and need to be updated on the mundane, boring stuff that goes on in my life.

Moots Cinco

So I realize I haven't posted to my blog in like 10 years, but I think this beautiful, new toy of mine is blog post worthy.