Thursday, February 28, 2008


Everyone has things that bug them, even if there is no rhyme or reason for being bugged at all. I can think of a few things that drive me nuts on a normal occasion. I should really try to work on these things, it makes me seem a little obsessive compulsive now that I'm reading them. Oh well.

Hangers. I hate hangers. I especially hate the crappy wire hangers but I really dislike them all. They do a good job hanging up my clothes, but there is nothing worse than reaching for an empty hanger only to find its tangled up with other hangers. Ahhh. It makes me cringe just thinking about it.

Mess. I hate having a mess at home. At work, I don't really care. My office is usually a complete disaster and I'm okay with that. At home however, a messy house puts me in a lousy mood. I dont know why and I wish it didn't. A clean house is a happy house, right?

Men in spandex. This is a weird one I know. Especially since my husband wears it. But it bugs me pretty bad. I don't even like to kiss Garrett when he has it on and sometimes just seeing him in it can put me in a bad mood. It looks horrible and completely ridiculous on every man. No man can pull off spandex, I don't care if you're Brad Pitt.

China. I know, another weird one. Garrett had to go to China last year 3 times and I hated it. Hated it. So much, in fact, that to this day I don't like to have any conversation that has anything to do with China. I should get over it, but its just one of those things. What's wrong with me?

Some Friends. Let me be more specific. Friends that only call you/email you when they need something from you. They don't call to see how you are and what you've been up to. They only call when they need your help. Garrett has more of these than I do, way more, but it bugs me nonetheless.

Dresscodes. Again, let me be more specific. I think its totally and completely ridiculous to have a dress code at work. I feel like we're in highschool still. My work actually has a handbook with a dress code in it...ahhhhhhh. We are grown adults, all of us. I think it should be up to us how we dress, seriously. Why the hell do they care? Why would our attire effect our work? If anything, we spend more time wasted by just talking about how ridiculous it is. I mean, no capris, no denim jackets, wtf? I wear my denim jacket anyway, and usually get told on. I don't care, they can't tell me what jacket to wear.

Dirty Sheets. I hate dirty sheets. If I didn't work, I would change me sheets every single day. Don't ask me why, cause I don't have an answer for you.

Getting Gas. I hate getting gas. It totally puts me in a bad mood. Don't know why. Its not even the money, I just hate standing there while its pumping. I dont have time for that crap.

Solicitors. That should not even be legal. Seriously. I'm usually really rude when they come to my door. No, I will not buy your stupid coupon booklet so you can go on a trip. No I do not want to take your survey. Stop coming to my door. And if you do, dont ask me if the "lady of the house" is home. Thats me damnit.

Public Swimming Pools. I really want to get over this one. Just thinking about them bugs me. People let their children do all sorts of nasty things in public pools. Just when I was thinking of joining one for lap swimming, I heard not to...there was a parasite in almost all Salt Lake public pools caused from diarrhea that was making people really sick. Can you say vomit? Well there goes that idea. Why can't there be adult only pools?

Most Children. Children have a tendency to bug me. Not all children, but most. There is nothing worse than trying to have a nice dinner ruined by screaming children or trying to shop and having kids flailing around running into people. Control your children people, or at least hire babysitters for God's sake.

That is all for now. I really should get back to worse. I am really just wasting my time.

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