Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Tuesday Ramblings

Today is Tuesday. My parents come to visit on Thursday. The basement bedroom is still a disaster. Garrett and I have exactly 2 days to get our shit together, tick tock, tick tock...we always do this. I know we'll get it done, but we have to wait until the last minute, its just the way we, unfortunately roll, I suppose. Garrett and I got the trim up on Saturday, we caulked Sunday, we taped Monday and hopefully, if all goes as planned, tonight we will paint. I'm putting off painting the dresser and built in's due to lack of time and motivation. The head board I bought is about an inch too wide for the metal bed frame to attach easily, figures. Garrett is going to try and fashion something to make it work b/c my "just zip-ty it" idea was obviously crap. Hopefully those 5 years of Engineering School will fill his brain with brilliant ideas to attach a headboard. I've got faith in him. We also need to hang some posters I had framed for the basement...picked them up like a month ago. Everytime I ask my dear husband to hang them, somehow the subject gets changed and I forget. I would try hanging them myself, but the thought of me with a hammer and nails, approximating all the way, makes Garrett cringe. He's a perfectionist when it comes to that kind of stuff, everything centered perfectly, measured, drawn out and marked. I just eye ball it, approximation is so much easier. If the Kener marriage makes it through this project/remodel over the next couple of days, we can make it through anything. I'm just kidding, but not really:)

Totally unrelated to remodeling, can I just say I am totally disgusted with the man who threw the boxer off the overpass here in Salt Lake. This story has really gotten to me and I think about it a lot. Luckily the boxer lived to be reunited with his owner thanks to some awesome bystanders, but we can all hope that man dies a horrible, painful death. I dont hope he goes to jail...I hope someone angry gets to him first. I hate this man with all my heart, a man who can take an innocent dog and so carelessly attempt to end his life. This man is a coward, and if there is a hell, he has a first class ticket there.


Birdie said...

I agree. That story made me sick!

{Hilary} said...

Did you paint last night?
If not, tonight is the night.

I am also disgusted with the guy who threw the boxer over the freeway. What an IdIoT. It really makes me mad.
I told Peter we should put the man in a box and throw him over the freeway. An eye for an eye, eh.