Thursday, July 3, 2008

Pull My Hair Out

Today is supposed to be a happy day. I only have to work half a day and tomorrow is a holiday. I should be celebrating. Instead, I am fuming worked up with the stupid cable company I can hardly stand it. Here I am, a good pay-on-time customer. I don't ask for much, just that my freakin cable and internet are there, in good working order, when I need them. Simple, really. Well apparently, my good customer status doesn't get me shit. I haven't had internet or cable in 3 days due to their negligence, not mine. Well guess who gets put guessed it, ME! They have to send out a technician if I want my internet/cable fixed and I have to be there, and my favorite part is they give you a 4 HOUR TIME SLOT. I think that is so completely ridiculous. So, on my half day off, I get to sit my ass at home waiting for the comcast bastards to show up. Doesn't that sound peachy?


Carlyn said...

wow. sounds like you are in a pleasant mood and having a lovely day!

hahaha happy 4th!

Birdie said...

Those a-holes!