Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day, Literally

Random Updates:

Yesterday, I had a pathetic realization...we have 2 Mondays off a year, Memorial Day and Labor Day. 2 MONDAYS. That's it. And in Utah, it rains approximately 2 days a year. That's it. And do you know what else? This year it has rained both of those days...and I think only those days. Talk about bad luck. In Texas, you are used to these instances and can usually make the best of a rainy day since there are so many of them. In Utah, I feel like we just sit inside wishing it weren't raining...wishing there was something productive we could do. Another holiday down the drain.

Before the rain started, Garrett and I were able to get some work done in the yard. You wouldn't know it by looking at it, but we did. The soreness in my arms and shoulders tell me so. My upper body was not made to swing a pick axe, sorry Garrett. We did manage to get a lot accomplished. We got all the old sprinkler pipes dug out, cleared the yard of all the massive roots, which by the way, totally sucked. Next step: Rent a trencher to trench the lines for the new sprinklers. Oh boy, fun times ahead.

What else? Oh I have a rash. Isn't that lovely. I first developed a leg rash in Ireland, who knows what from. Just as it was starting to go away, I got stung by a wasp/bee like 5 times in 2 places. A couple days later, a rash broke out on my face. MY FACE!! I freaked out and immediately went to the worthless doctor who had absolutely no idea what was wrong with me. Well the next day my face was getting slightly better and the rash was now on my legs (this was this past Friday). Well I went back to the doctor and this guy said I had a bad case of hives, probably due to the stings. My face is cleared up but the rash on my legs is still there. I'm really annoyed at this point and just want it to go away. I can handle pain, no problem but itching blows. Thank god for sleeping pills...I guess the doctor is good for something.

Garrett's uncle died. Its his dad's brother-in-law. Garrett really doesn't know him but the funeral is in Salt Lake this Saturday and Garrett's dad is coming so we're going to support him. I really dislike funerals but I really love my husband and my Dad2, so I'm going. Aren't I all grown up and stuff?

My Mom had her 2nd round of Chemo yesterday. So far so good. She hasn't had any major symptoms yet, so it could be worse I suppose. I think she's going to do great. Not because of some godly miracle, but because she has a positive attitude and wants to get this over with. I'm very proud of her. Go Mom!

Garrett and I are slowly gearing up for ski season. Slowly because my wallet can only take so much. We're both sorta over biking and ready for the snow. I guess its a good thing we live in Utah and not Texas. Sometimes I feel like I would like to move back to Texas, other times I'm really glad I live in Utah, its really a beautiful, fun place...you just have to make the best of certain things.

I guess that's it. Wish I had more exciting stuff. I'll leave you with a picture of my adorable Munchie. His cuteness is exhausting. Really, I think I'll never get over it.

1 comment:

Kari said...

I was bummed about the rain too!! Nice!

Sorry to hear about Garrett's uncle. xoxoxoxox

I'm glad you're mom is doing good!! xoxoxoxox

Sorry about the nasty rash. If I was stung that many times I'd be dead. I'm severely allergic.

Isn't the ski season hard on your wallet too? It is on mine, although I have brand-new skis I'm dying to try out. I wish I could afford a season pass but I most likely wouldn't use it that much. I'll settle for an Alta Silver card.