Thursday, June 5, 2008

Bundles of Joy

I love my dogs. I adore them even. But do you know what I don't enjoy, cleaning up dog poo and dog barf. Munch has always had a sensitive stomach. If you give him anything other than a dog treat or his sensitive stomach Eukanuba, he's very likely to barf it up a short time later. He's even likely to barf his regular diet if he eats/drinks to fast. You just never know. His barfing is very unpredictable. He'll be sauntering around the house, he'll barf, and then continue on with his day. What a little joy.

Then there was Mogley. Since getting him, he's had his fair share of tummy troubles. When he was a puppy, his daily ritual was to make lots of poo and roll in it. I drove slower than usual on my way home from work hoping Garrett would beat me home...he who saw the poo first had to deal with it. I usually cleaned the area...Garrett got the poo covered, very excited wriggly little puppy. Ahhhh, I'm glad those days are over. Well 2 days ago, I came home for lunch and it was deja vu. There was Mogley, only about 76 times bigger, covered in his own poo. Crying was my first thought, but I pulled through and managed to clean things up. He's been fine since. I mean, I love Mogley a lot, but I love him a lot less when he's covered in his own poo.

1 comment:

Birdie said...

Oh man, what we do for our furry friends :)