Monday, June 9, 2008

Sometimes You Just Gotta Wonder

One thing I absolutely H-A-T-E about living in Salt Lake is Sunday. It's like living in the Twilight Zone. Most restaurants are closed, hell, everything is closed. It drives me absolutely bonkers. Take yesterday for instance. I have to run to the grocery store to pick up a couple items for dinner. I start at Smiths (Kroger for all you Texans) and they don't have limes, fresh basil or graham cracker crumbs. The checkout lady asked "Did you find everything okay today?" and I replied with No, as a matter of fact I did not. I had a short list of items, you didn't have 3 of them so yeah, your store sucks. I actually hate it when the checkers even ask that question because a. they dont really care and b. if they did care, no one would do anything about it. Its a slap in the face really and gives my brain a seizure. These are simple items, I know, but Utah grocery stores obviously don't stock anything on the weekends which totally just blows my mind. Next stop, Harmons. They had limes and crumbs but no basil. I thought I would try one more grocery store because 1 out of 3 would surely have basil. WRONG. Dans grocery store sucks too. I was extremely pissed and I called Garrett to make me a vodka tonic so it would be ready when I stormed in the back door. He did and he made one for himself b/c he knew he would have to hear about the sequence of events for about a half hour. No other city in the world would give me such grief at a grocery store, I swear. I think its completely ridiculous this city is run by a damn church, not everyone is THAT religion. I like to do things on Sunday and that does not make me a bad person. Sure, I may not get my own planet, but you know what, I'm cool with that. And don't tell me I should shop ahead of time. I don't plan meals for the future, that's just not who I am.


Birdie said...

I have these same issues with my grocery shopping!! And good luck finding fresh basil, you may as well grow your own.

And further, I was pissy yesterday also, because I didn't get out to buy wine on Saturday, so by Sunday...I was SOL. Why can't they just sell it at the damn grocery store??

Dustin said...

I was having the same fit yesterday, although mine didn't elevate to the level of vodka tonics. Maybe that was my whole problem. All I wanted was a nice Cafe Rio salad for dinner and for the life of me I can never remember that the damn place is CLOSED ON SUNDAYS. Whatever!

Kari said...

I totally agree with you!!!! The only thing I do like about Sunday's is the fact that all the Mormons are in church and the city is quiet. I took Matthew to the Children's Museum yesterday and we were the only ones there. Yes!

I always need alcohol and can never make seem to make it on Saturday.