Friday, October 3, 2008

Update: Still no Hottub

Who knew that getting a hottub up and running took so long? For whatever reason, I thought you just brought one home, plugged it in and away you go, soaking all your troubles away. Not the case. Not the case at all. Garrett is telling me maybe today so I'm taking that as definitely today because you don't just tell someone who has been waiting for a hottub for 3 years "maybe today." Unless you are sure its today, that would be just plain mean.

Last night we went to Brewvies. While we have talked about going there many times, we just never have. Maybe its because Garrett has absolutely no interest in doing something fun. Nah, it couldn't be that. Anyway, it was pretty cool. They have really decent beer specials during the week and the food was surprisingly good. We went to watch Powderwhore, a benefit movie for the Utah Avalanche Center. You know the kind of movie...loud music and crazy ski bums. All in all, it was a fun night...we missed you Robin.

Well the dog days of summer are now officially over. Tomorrow its supposed to snow in the mountains and just be freakin cold down here in the valley. While I'm looking forward to ski season, I would like to enjoy a pleasant fall, with nice weather, pretty colors, etc. since we were completely robbed of spring. Our spring consisted of snow, cold and me having horrible thoughts about the local weather man. I realize our unfortunate weather is not his fault, but somehow it makes me feel better to blame someone.


Birdie said...

Yes, I was bummed I couldn't go. Not that I was that dissapointed about missing the Powederwhore film (they are all about the same to me) but it just sucks to have miss stuff because of school. Stupid, stupid, school.

On a positive note, won't you be excited to have your new hottub when the weather gets icky? Hottubs while it's snowing are the best!

Leicy said...

Mogley is so freakin cute!