Monday, October 6, 2008

Weekend Storms

I had such a great weekend. Sure it got cold. Sure it rained the entire weekend. BUT I HAVE A HOT TUB! A HOT, WORKING, BEAUTIFUL $300 HOTTUB. As you can imagine, I spent most of my weekend lounging in that baby. I realize it's a novelty thing and the awesomeness will likely wear off, but right now I can't get enough. Friday was the big day...just a little bit more wiring needed to be done and chemicals needed to be bought. Garrett flipped the breaker and WA-LA! He has officially fulfilled my hottub wish and managed to score some major points. Maybe I'll stop harassing him about the kitchen floor...ummm, maybe not.

Well it was a great weekend for a new hottub, rainy and cold. Garrett and I (me definitely more) spent a good majority of the weekend in that thing. We're bound and determined to get our money's worth and we're loving it so much we're wondering why it took us so long to get one in the first place...except then we remember we're broke now and know exactly why it took us so long to get one.


{Hilary} said...

Can you imagine us getting a hot tub? Not as long as Peter and I have small children.
Eeww...hence me always "noping" Pete on the Hot Tube idea, again and again and again.
Looks good.

Kari said...

Yeah! When is the hot tub party? I'm so glad it works! That would be a bummer if it went kerplunk! Good job guys!