Monday, October 13, 2008

Welcome to Moab

No matter how many times I have been to Moab, the scenery is always just as breathtaking as the last. The wind was torrential, the sand was everywhere, I didn't get to shower for 3 days, I didn't sleep for 2 nights and I had to wear a five year old's ski goggles, but man, it sure is pretty.


Birdie said...

Way to be positive :) I think I still need a day or two!!

{Hilary} said...

I'm sorry--did you say that YOU didn't shower for three days?
Just wanted to make sure I was reading the right blog. I know how you feel about your showers.
Moab is breath taking.

Kari said...

I've been to Moab once and that was back in 2002. It think it is time I return. It is purty!