Thursday, January 29, 2009


I know it's been like 10 years since I've done a blog post, but I've just been extremely a really good, extremely awesome sort of way.  The last 2 months have been a whirlwind of starting a new job, making new friends, skiing, home remodeling and just enjoying my life with my husband and pups.  I'll try to blog more regularly...promise.  Here are some random, not at all important updates about what's been going on the last 2 months.

New job.  I LOVE working at Black Diamond.  It's such an awesome place to have to go everyday.  Seriously.  The people are great, the atmosphere is fun, I can wear whatever I damn well judging whatsoever, I can drink beer at will, my dog can come to work with me, I can go skiing before work, I have the coolest boss ever, I have had more fun in the last 2 months than probably all 3 years combined...yep, I can't really think of one bad thing to say...this was definitely a really good, happy move on my part.  Finally, this place is starting to feel like home.  Honestly, Garrett and I couldn't be happier.

Skiing.  We've been having a blast backcountry skiing this season.  I've made lots of dude friends at work who pretty much do nothing but ski so we're taking full advantage of having ski buddies.  Even Robin is taking up skiing these days so we have no excuses.  We even took an avalanche class 2 weekends ago, so finally, I feel a little more prepared and knowledgeable when we're out in the backcountry.  

Home remodeling.  My kitchen is a disaster.  We're remodeling our kitchen with a snail's pace.  I have no oven, no microwave and my fridge is in the living room.  It's a complete disaster, we're no where near done, we're completely broke, but when its done, its going to be super nice.  Garrett has been really great and I really appreciate all he's doing to make our home a little nicer.  Generally, I would write sarcastically about how long its taking him, how freakin messy he is, how he leaves his tools scattered all over the house...nope not today...he's doing a fantastic job. That's love people.  

Anyway, that's whats been going on in a nutshell.  Off to bed.  Stay tuned.  I have lots of pictures and updating to do.