Sunday, November 22, 2009


This pic was taken of Garrett and me at the top of the Washington Monument. We were in DC last weekend for our good buddy Brad's 30th Birthday. More pics posted shortly...I'm still sorting thru them.

Friday, October 30, 2009

About Time

Almost 1 year and several strands of gray hair later, our kitchen is just about done. I'm very happy with how everything turned out, despite all the obstacles. Let me offer a bit of advice for those folks out there wanting to remodel: HIRE SOMEONE. IT'S WORTH IT. IT WILL SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Meet Jones! I have completely fallen head over heels in love with this big guy. He is a Tennessee Walker owned by the most awesome couple. Here's our story: I meet Jones. I ride Jones. I LOVE riding Jones. Jones' mom and dad didn't know me at the time...I was just doing them a favor while they were out of town. I thought this was the end of the story...until, along comes a horse psychic. Jones describes me to horse psychic letting her know he wants me to be a part of his family. Jones' mom gives me a call with the good news. I am officially invited. I'm not sure if I believe in this or not, but whatever, I'm happy it happened. Now I can ride him whenever I want, I get paid, and don't have any of the expenses/burdens of having my own horse. The End. I love a happy ending!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Mid Mountain Marathon

A long awaited update. I've been so busy over the last couple of weeks, I just haven't had the time to sit down and do a blog post. That's super lame, but it's the truth.

I know it's been a couple of weeks since I ran the Mid Mountain Marathon, but I did it. It was definitely hard, but I did pretty well for my first marathon. The trails were in great shape, the aid stations had GUMMY BEARS, I had great company, and there was a cute husband, pizza and beer waiting for me at the finish line. What more could I ask for?

The Jacket. I wanted my jacket. I finished the summer-consuming Triple Trail Challenge consisting of the Jupiter Peak Steeplechase, the Park City 1/2 Marathon followed by the Mid Mountain Marathon. I totally felt I deserved that jacket and they did not disappoint. They handed them out right after the race, so that was the icing on the cake for me.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Red Butte Garden

I'm not sure who dreamed up the combination of Booker T and The Drive By Truckers, but whoever they are, they are a genius...right in line with the creator of peanut butter and jelly.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Hike

So Sunday we hiked up to Red Pine Lake in Little Cottonwood Canyon. It's about a 2 1/2 hour hike each way and not super easy, but once you get to the lake, your burning thighs will totally thank you. It's beautiful. It's peaceful. And the best part is the trailhead is only 15 minutes from our front door. THIS is why we live here.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


For Munch, one of the priviledges of being little and compact is sleeping in bed with Garrett and me. This has been going on since the first time Garrett went to China and generally, we hardly notice. Until now. It must be the summer heat and a house with no central a/c, but he is now finding it necessary to get up at ridiculous o'clock with a thirst that seems unreasonable for such a little dog. For what seems like hours, he drinks out of his water bowl and he does it so loudly that on several occasions I have gone to check to make sure there is not a giant wildebeast in our living room. No, it's just Munch...back to bed. When he's done drinking his water he comes and scratches on the bed, needing a lift up, waking us up yet again. And then Garrett ever so carefully picks him back up on the don't want to jostle that water around too much because the only thing that could make the night any worse would be cleaning up the hour's worth of water and mushy Eukanuba from a few hours earlier, thrown up by the cutest little french bulldog there ever was. And you can pretty much guess what happens next. Yep, he's thirsty.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

YES...It's Still Going On.

In between my hectic schedule of work, crazy marathon training and my usual weekly onslaught of responsible errands, I have been stressing about our backsplash, or should I say the lack there of. With the exception of getting a new fridge, this is the final project in the kitchen remodel also known as the new tile floor turning into something much more sinister. You see, we did not have the backsplash done with the floor b/c my husband wanted to save a few bucks and do it himself. I was ecstatic to save some money, so I happily agreed. Well here we are 5 months later and he's too busy and his back hurts and he thinks he broke a rib...which makes total sense because of all that alligator wrestling he does after work. So yeah, I feel like I've been patient but I just can't find the time to be as dramatic about it as I'd like, so here we are 5 months later, getting more tile bids. I'm fairly certain this project has taken at least 5 years off my life.

Monday, August 10, 2009

1 Down, 2 to Go

So I haven't wanted to blog about this yet since I wasn't sure I'd live to tell the entire story. August 8 has past, I am still alive, I still have the use of both legs, so really, things couldn't be better. This year, I thought torturing myself sounded like a wise idea so I signed up for the Triple Trail Challenge. It's comprised of 3 separate trail running events: Jupiter Peak Steeplechase, Park City 1/2 Marathon and the Mid Mountain Marathon...oh and they are all 2 weeks apart. Garrett tells everyone I'm doing this for the coveted jacket you receive, and while he may be a little bit right, I'm taking this on just to see if I can do it.

Jupiter Peak Steeplechase

This event is a long time Park City tradition, a 16-mile trail running loop with 3000 feet of elevation gain. If that doesn't mean anything to you, then maybe this will: So you start at the Park City Resort, run 8 miles, straight up the mountain all the way to the very highest peak and then you run 8 miles back down. Yeah, that's exactly why I thought I might not make it. This event was the one I was dreading, the one I just didn't know if I could do. I've been training, but I was certain I just wasn't training enough. Well, with a giant sigh of relief, it's over. I actually did really well...I felt good and out of 105 other crazy women that entered this, I came in 16th. I was pretty psyched. Here is a picture of the last 3/4 mile of the uphill. I heard it was steep, but C'MON!!!

So there you have it...2 more to go. I have the Park City 1/2 Marathon coming up in 2 weeks which is going to be a cake walk. The Mid Mountain Marathon is going to be hard for sure, but its flat and my good buddy Holly is running it with me. I tried talking her into doing all 3, but she thought I was nuts. I think she's going to be awfully jealous when I'm prancing around in my jacket at the end!! I mean, jealous that I ran all 3 races.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Better to Smell You With

Mogley got a pretty ridiculous looking haircut a couple of weeks ago...his summer do. I'm generally against giving my beautiful doodle a haircut that makes him look like an oversized cocker spaniel, but the couple times I thought he might keel over dead from over heating got the best of me. I am not a huge fan of the haircut by any stretch, and quite frankly, neither is he...but we're all dealing. I think it makes his nose look bigger.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Munchie from the Block


Saturday, July 18, 2009

Tour De Satan Round 1

Last night, we had the 2nd of the summer "Tour De Satan" bicycle pub crawl in celebration of No More Private Clubs in Utah. This is an event some dudes I work with came up with years ago and its become a summer tradition. The first one back in May was pretty awesome and luckily I took video most of the night. So, turn up your volume and enjoy!! I hope to have my video from last night done a little sooner than this one.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Stimulation Overload

Saturday night Garrett and I went to a benefit for No More Homeless Pets Utah held at the Radisson hotel in Salt Lake. It was a really cool booze and you got to bring your pups. Garrett thought bringing Munch was a bad idea but I just didn't think it was fair to leave him at home. So, from the second we got there, he pretty much had a miserable time. He was totally over stimulated, insisted on being held and could not get enough water. I'm fairly certain he's more needy than a newborn...but still the cutest thing on 4 legs. So Garrett was right, I was wrong. We've been together for 4 1/2 years...he was due to be right once.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sun Bathing

Munch loves when the sun shines thru the front window...if only that damn bed would move itself into the light, he would have a much more comfortable nap.

Monday, June 1, 2009

2 Years

Flowers, White Sand, Blue Water, Daiquiris, and Wedding Rings. Two years ago today, this is what I was doing. Two years ago today was the best day of my life.

Cute Face

See this cute innocent face? Yeah, he's not so cute after sticking his head into a trash bag full of decomposing grass...grass that turns his golden locks green...grass that smells so horrible it ranks right up there with his own poo. This cute face saves his life on a daily basis.

Racing Season

Mountain bike racing season is in full swing here. Even though there have been a few, this was our first ICUP race of the season. Garrett finished middle of the pack and I came in 2nd. Win or lose, we both had fun, and that's really all that matters. The prizes suck, the entry fees are high, my body is covered in scrapes and you really just have to love it.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Running Buddy

Much to his dismay, Mogley has become quite the trail running buddy. He's pretty pokey but he trots along the trail behind us, never once venturing off. He only has one speed, what Garrett and I like to call the poodle trot. While I do think he kinda enjoys himself, I'm pretty sure he'd much rather be at home with Munch...doing much more important things like guarding the house from potential predators...I mean, those kids on Dora The Explorer scooters HAVE GOT TO BE STOPPED.

No Rain, No Rainbows

We've been having the most perfect weather in Salt Lake...perfect mixed with a few rainy days. It's really never much fun while it's raining...boring indoor activities are usually substituted for our usual outside adventures, bike races are cancelled, its too muddy to hike, I'm usually mentally forced to get the picture. In an effort to be a more positive person, I have thought of 2 reasons why I like the rain: Sleeping in and Rainbows. I won't horrify you with a picture of Garrett and I sleeping in, so here's a rainbow.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Garrett

I just want to wish a Happy Birthday to my sweet, handsome, wonderful husband. I love him more than anything else in this world and I hope he has the best day. Afterall, this is his last birthday when he'll still be in his twenties, the last birthday he can register for bike races in the age 19-29 category...hehe. I love that I'm younger!!! Anyway, Happy Birthday Babe!!!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Tree

This tree turns Pink in late May
and like my dogs, it just won't stay.

I wish it bloomed all year round
It's so much more than a stick in the ground.

The flowers are plenty, it's admired by all
I love this tree like a dog loves a ball.

When the pink is gone, it's missed a bunch
I just go back to admiring Munch.

Friday, May 8, 2009


April showers bring May flowers. Not in Utah. I think the saying should be May Showers ruin my April Flowers...well between the rain and Munch blasting them with pee every chance he can get.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


All of the daily pressures and stress of guarding the house really wear my Munchie out. When we get home from work, he pretty much bonks. It's a hard knock life.

My New Baby

A Wolf my kitchen...who would have thought? This stainless steel beauty is a sight to behold in the new kitchen and you haven't baked a potato or boiled noodles until you have done it on this thing. Seriously, it pretty much rocks my world. Garrett has wanted this Wolf since the day the kitchen remodel began. He doesn't have an opinion on too many things, but he really liked this stove. Compared to this thing, Maytag, Kenmore, Whirlpool...well they just seem so cheesey. Unfortunately, this stove retails for more money than our whole kitchen remodel, so we just sort of forgot about it. AND THEN, we found her. She had been slightly used and we got her for a pretty great price and once I got her home, cleaned her up and WAALAA!! Good as new. Thanks to all the manly men who got this thing in place.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Pretty Dreamy

Getting to ride beautiful Paso Fino horses in the Heber mountains on a sunny day with friends...pretty much a perfect day if you ask me.

Friday, May 1, 2009

My Lights are Cooler than your Lights

My very favorite part of our kitchen remodel are these custom blown glass pendant lights. They are turquoise blue when they are off and a reddish/purple color when on. I bought them from this boutique glass shop in Texas and I must say they win the award for Most Awesome Lights Ever!! And I'm very glad I like them so much b/c my god, I shed a couple of tears paying for them. And now just like my only thought is "worth every penny."

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Catch Up Time

Whew...where have the last few months gone? Well I know where they have the kitchen remodel that never ends. For those of you out there considering a remodel, give yourself a big slap in the face so you will never have those thoughts again. While the results are quite satisfying, the process made me want to stick my head in the oven I couldnt even use on a daily basis. I'll post pics of the kitchen soon.

For now, enjoy this pic from an at home vacation with Friends. These people make me want to pack up Garrett and the dogs and move everytime I see them, but my real estate search didn't last as long this time around. I'm attributing my new found love of Salt Lake to my job. Thank Black have managed to make this wack city just a little less wack. And for that, I love you.

The ACL Lineup is the New Swine Flu

Here it is. The 2009 ACL lineup has arrived and I couldn't be more anxious. 3 days of fun awaits me in October. Garrett and I are psyched! This wasn't a planned trip, but after seeing this lineup, our entire trip, including airfare was booked in a matter of hours. I'm generally not this spontaneous about anything but I'm very conservative when it comes to using vacation...just for times like these. For all those who cannot attend, it's okay to be a little jealous.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Lava Hot Springs, Idaho was a much needed break from the real world of kitchen remodeling and being a responsible adult. We drank, we laughed, we partied, we spent time with friends, we sang, we ate...overall, we both had an awesome time.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Best Valentines Card Ever!!

My cute husband made me this card for Valentines Day...does he know me or what? I love that he took the time to make me something...something worth so much more than anything money could buy. I'm a lucky girl...a lucky, lucky girl. After this overload of thoughtfulness and utter adorableness, I'll let you use your imagination as to what Garrett's Valentines Day present from me consisted of!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Me and my Boys

This is the best family picture I have. Its not great, but we're all in it, we're all looking in the direction of the camera and at least 2 of the 4 are smiling. What more could a girl ask for?

Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy Groundhog Day!!!

I took this picture from the parking lot at my work...Beautiful isn't it?

Garrett & I after skinning up in Big Cottonwood Canyon. The breathtaking views and feelings of accomplishment are kinda indescribable.

Happy Groundhog Day! Something about the celebrating of a rodent makes me all happy inside.

Seriously, weekends go by way too fast. I need more time!! Friday we decided to do nothing. We did go to Home Depot for a couple of hours, but thats completely normal behavior these days. The guys that work there know us by name...kinda like family. Sad. Yeah, so we picked up pizza and hung out with the pups. Pretty great actually.

Saturday we got up and did a little backcountry skiing. See pic above. Skinning up a mountain is one of the hardest things physically I have ever done, but when you reach the top and get to ski down ungroomed, beautiful fresh powder, not a line in sight, no children to dodge, it's all worth it. Garrett and I are really enjoying the backcountry life...we both could totally pass on ski resorts these days. We're lucky to be able to go do this for a couple hours...then its back to the house to work. And we did. This weekend Garrett has managed to get most of the electrical done and the gas line moved. It doesn't look like we did anything, but we definitely did. I really don't have the skills to do anything of value so I've dubbed myself the official tool hander. I'm pretty good at it. I was going to tackle the ceiling texture, but after a little practice outside with mud and a trowel, I found out I suck at that too. Garrett is much better and faster, so I guess he gets that job too. I guess I'll just have to be the mud refiller. Saturday night we went to the Piper Down to watch one of Garrett's buddies sing. Pretty fun.

Sunday we worked more on the kitchen and then went to a Superbowl Party in Park City. I was not really looking forward to it, but we ended up having a pretty good time. So, thats it. That was our weekend! Please try not to be too jealous.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


I know it's been like 10 years since I've done a blog post, but I've just been extremely a really good, extremely awesome sort of way.  The last 2 months have been a whirlwind of starting a new job, making new friends, skiing, home remodeling and just enjoying my life with my husband and pups.  I'll try to blog more regularly...promise.  Here are some random, not at all important updates about what's been going on the last 2 months.

New job.  I LOVE working at Black Diamond.  It's such an awesome place to have to go everyday.  Seriously.  The people are great, the atmosphere is fun, I can wear whatever I damn well judging whatsoever, I can drink beer at will, my dog can come to work with me, I can go skiing before work, I have the coolest boss ever, I have had more fun in the last 2 months than probably all 3 years combined...yep, I can't really think of one bad thing to say...this was definitely a really good, happy move on my part.  Finally, this place is starting to feel like home.  Honestly, Garrett and I couldn't be happier.

Skiing.  We've been having a blast backcountry skiing this season.  I've made lots of dude friends at work who pretty much do nothing but ski so we're taking full advantage of having ski buddies.  Even Robin is taking up skiing these days so we have no excuses.  We even took an avalanche class 2 weekends ago, so finally, I feel a little more prepared and knowledgeable when we're out in the backcountry.  

Home remodeling.  My kitchen is a disaster.  We're remodeling our kitchen with a snail's pace.  I have no oven, no microwave and my fridge is in the living room.  It's a complete disaster, we're no where near done, we're completely broke, but when its done, its going to be super nice.  Garrett has been really great and I really appreciate all he's doing to make our home a little nicer.  Generally, I would write sarcastically about how long its taking him, how freakin messy he is, how he leaves his tools scattered all over the house...nope not today...he's doing a fantastic job. That's love people.  

Anyway, that's whats been going on in a nutshell.  Off to bed.  Stay tuned.  I have lots of pictures and updating to do.