Thursday, January 31, 2008

Maybe this Year

This year I would LOVE to get registered to run the Nike Women's 1/2 or Full Marathon in San Francisco...I really don't even care which one, I just want to participate. I've talked about it for 2 years now, and last year I missed the registration. It fills up in a matter of hours and no one knows the exact date, so you have to be on top of your game to get in this one. Why so popular you ask? Many awesome reasons. First of all, you don't get some lousy finisher medal that doesnt make it past the nearest trash can (medals are a waste of money if you ask me). Instead, upon your finish, a San Francisco Fireman dressed in a tuxedo and running shoes presents you with a Tiffany & Co. Necklace made specifically for the event. How fun is that? I've heard the shirts/jackets are awesomely pink, plus there are free manicures, pedicures, massages and raffles for Tiffany jewelry on the days leading up to the event. This year's race is on October 19, 2008.
Check it Out for Yourself

Monday, January 28, 2008

The Monday Blues

The weekend is over, and we're back to work always goes by way too fast. This weekend one of Garrett's friends from Austin, Bob, came out to ski and stayed with us. It was fun having him here, but I'm definitely tired. We skiied hard Saturday and Sunday, open to close...which is not something Garrett and I normally do. We got up early both days and stayed up pretty late, well late for us. It was fun though. Saturday was lots of fun. The weather up at Snowbasin was beautiful. It wasn't too cold and the sun shined the entire day. I love those days...they're the best. Bob took lots of pics on Saturday so I have a few to share. I'm grateful for weekends like times with friends, enjoying all of what Utah has to offer. Garrett and I are really lucky. I think we lose sight of that sometimes. We have such a great life and we get to spend the rest of it together. We do what we love and we love what we do. Dogs, not children. What could be better?

Me on the Gondola
Me Again
A Long Day of Skiing
Garrett and Me
Bob and Me
My Wonderful Husband
Bob and Garrett on the Gondola
View From the Top of the Tram...start of the Men's downhill from the 2002 Olympics...Crazy.
Garrett, Me and Bob

Friday, January 25, 2008

Gutters and Walls and Tile...Oh My!!

It is Friday morning and I am done with the home projects...well at least for the next 4 hours I am at work. Garrett is in project mode and we have been working our butts off. I'm certainly not complaining but its hard work to work all day and then come home and work some more. Garrett has done a lot more than I have, basement wise, but I have to go to the store, make dinner, clean up, clean up the house in general and then help downstairs if I'm needed. So last night we painted the basement, both the den and the bedroom. It feels good to get it done. When I get off work today, we're going to Home Depot to rent a carpet stretcher to put the carpet back down. I hope it goes as easily as we're hoping. We have someone coming to stay with us this weekend, so when he leaves, we'll have to finish the trim work. No biggie. Also, this morning we're having people come out to give us an estimate on putting up gutters around our house. We've been needing them for a while, so it will be good just to pay someone to do the work for a change. So today, after the carpet and gutters, we are going to go and pick out tile for our kitchen. Yippee! I hate, hate, hate my kitchen tile. Its stark white with gray grout, yuck is right. Especially with 2 dogs and a husband that can't seem to take his shoes off before he comes in the house, wet with snow and all. Pick your battles Brittany. It is just floor, right? I really am just sick of cleaning them on a daily basis. I mean, I don't care if they're dirty, I just don't want to see it. Garrett did say we could get a maid, I have just been hesitant. I'm a fairly thourough cleaner and I'm just afraid I will be disappointed with anyone else's work. But, I'm off kitchen floors. I'm pretty sure I know I want slate and I even think I know which color, but we just need to go check it out. Garrett's buddy from work who helped us drywall last weekend offered to help us tile the kitchen (he's pretty good we hear) so Garrett wants to get it done asap, before RJ changes his mind. haha So, this all sounds very tiring, I know. I wish I could afford to pay someone to do all these things, but I can't. So, I guess we'll just continue to work, work, work. At least with house work, you're kindof working for ourself...that's something right?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Winter...I'm over it.

Every fall, I can't wait until WINTER. Winter brings snow, skiing, snowshoeing, sledding, Christmas, my Birthday, fun Jackets...who wouldn't be excited? Then it comes and its great at first. Now, I'm sick of having to tromp in the snow to get from the car to my house, I'm sick of it being too cold to run outside, I'm sick of always wet and dirty kitchen floors, I'm sick of having paw prints on the floors, I'm sick of it being so cold we can't even take the dogs on a walk, I'm sick of my car being a complete disaster, I'm sick of leaving for work in the dark and coming home from work in the dark, but most of all, I'm sick of not being able to ride my bikes. I really miss riding. This all dawned on me after reading Robin's post today. I want Spring to be here already. I want to ride my bikes. My poor mountain bike hasn't been ridden in so long...look at her, sitting there all lonely on the wall. AND, I have some brand new mountain bike shoes, still in the box, that I'm dieing to try out. Aren't they pretty? (Most of you will say No, they are hideous and ugly but I love them and please try not to ruin it for me) Well, winter will be over before I know it and then I'll be complaining that I miss the snow and skiing. I can never just be content and happy. What would I do with myself if I didn't have something to complain about?

Monday, January 21, 2008

Snow Dog

Mogley is such a little snow dog. He loves to romp and play in it, unlike our Munchie. Mogley has been such a good puppy so far. We really love him.

We're Gonna Need a Bigger Bed

Look how cute my little boys are. This was taken on Saturday afternoon following a morning full of non-stop playing. They really are sweet...especially when they're sleeping.


Yesterday I took my first ever snowboarding lesson. Why would you do that you are a skiier? Well I took advantage of Utah's Lucky 13 promotion. For 13 days, Snowbasin was doing a package deal...$39 gets you rentals, lift pass and a 2 hour lesson. It was just too good of a deal to pass up. First of all, I must say...I had a lot of fun. It was really challenging and a lot of hard work, but by the end of the day, I was catching on to the major concepts. After my lesson, my sweet husband found me and skiied with me, rather slowly and on green runs for the remainder of the afternoon. I had a really great day! Now for the bad part...I feel like I have been run over by a car. I fell and I fell and I fell. HARD. The falls on a snowboard are so brutal. Today, nearly every part of my body aches. However, I think I'm going to try again and see how it goes. I need another day of snowboarding to decide if I'm going to stick with it. I don't have any pics cause I didnt take the camera...and good thing, cause it would surely be broken.

Friday, January 18, 2008


Happy Birthday Carlyn!!

Garrett and I hope you do something super fabulous for your birthday. Sorry we can't be there to help you celebrate. Well have fun, be safe. We Love You! XOXO Brittany and Garrett

Where the Hell is the Cheese?

Garrett and I don't eat out very much, so when we do, I expect that they get it right. One of my biggest peeves is when you order take out, get home and find that yes, you paid for something, and no, its not in the damn bag. SHAME ON YOU Cafe Rio, I'm pissed. Don't get me wrong, I dig your salads, and usually you are on top of your "to-go order game" but I really think these things are careless and totally avoidable. They even have "to-go" only people who are getting paid to make sure these things are right. I'm usually a checker when I get to-go food b/c I have had bad experiences with restaurants forgetting to put something very vital in the bag. But last night, Garrett picked up the food. And, with Cafe Rio, we've never had a problem. Last night, we ordered chips and queso...we got no queso. We had to drive back over there (luckily not too far) for queso. I feel like they should reimburse me for gas for having to make two trips. THEIR FAULT. Anyway, this is a mindless rant about nothing important in the least but that is what blogs are for I suppose. It can't always be cute puppies and good weekends.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My What Big Feet You Have

Here are More pics of the Growing Doodle...he'll be huge before I know it...just check out those paws.

Monday, January 14, 2008

The 10 Week Old Monster


New Sleeping Buddies Pic

I can't believe Mogley is only 10 weeks old. He's already taller than Munch, so it's easy to forget that he is still just a baby. He really is a good boy. As far as puppies go, Garrett and I are really lucky.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Brittany's Probably One And Only MUST READ post

I am obsessed with Stephenie Meyer's Twilight book series. I know I'm not the only one out there, and I am not ashamed in the least. It makes no difference the tag says "juvenile" or "young adult." I don't care. I have never been a "read for pleasure" kind of girl. Not ever. I've always been a more "only read if I have to" kind of person. So, in my opinion, it must be a super awesome book if I can't put it down. Everyone should read these...These Vampire Love Stories rock my world.

So, as to follow the order, I read Twilight first. Freaking Awesome. Twilight is the story of Bella Swan, new girl/Sheriff's daughter, that comes to live with her dad in the dreary, small town of Forks, WA. Bella hates Forks, always has...until she laid eyes on Edward Cullen. Bella's life will be changed forever. I dont want to give anything away, so I'll just leave it at that. Meyer did such a great it wrong I secretly want a Vampire to fall in love with me? Definitely, a must read.

After finishing Twilight, I couldn't wait to start New Moon. I read New Moon, the longer of the 2 books, in 2 days. Again I don't want to give anything away. I will say, the first 70% of the book is not exactly what I was hoping'll know what I mean. The last 30% though, came back brilliantly. I was happy and relieved to finally finish it and to be content with the outcome. Trust me, its worth it.

I am now reading Eclipse. I'll let you all know what I think when I finish. I'm sure it will be awesome...just like the other two. I'm also excited to announce that Twilight is being made into a movie....I can't wait! Poor, poor Garrett.

Jury Duty Rocks

So yesterday I had Jury Duty. Jury Duty sorta rocks. I get to miss work and get paid my normal salary. I have always dreaded Jury Duty but now I am a little bit sad that I won't "randomly" get picked for another 2 years. I wonder if I can volunteer???

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

C'mon 2008...You can do Better

So we are only 8 days into 2008 and I have managed to injure myself already. I had all intentions of making it through 2008 w/out some random, weird, "only me" injury. Not the case. Its not that I'm careless, I'm just unlucky...apparently. 2007 was not a good year for me. I broke my elbow 2 weeks before my wedding, developed a rare form of tendonitis in my wrist, and hurt myself so many times on my mountain bike, I can't even begin to remember what they all were. I'm a walking scar.

What happened this time you ask? I wish I knew. All I know yesterday, January 7, was one of the most traumatic days I have ever encountered. It all started Sunday after a fun day of skiing. Skiing was epic and Garrett and I had a lot of fun. We were almost all the way back home (40 minutes after we left) and I felt a horrible pain in my big toe. Garrett thought I was crazy. I pulled my sock off and found my big toe nail was completely black. I guess I never felt the trauma b/c my feet were so damn cold. WTF??? Anyway, I was in serious, nauseating pain. So much so, I called the doctor first thing Monday morning...and I usually try to avoid doctors at all costs cause in my opinion, it is usually a huge waste of time and copay. Thank the lord they got me in at 1:30. (sidenote: I was looking like a total idiot at work with a dressy skirt and shirt with ugg boots cause they were the only thing I could put on that didn't make me want to scream...the show "What not to Wear" would have loved me.) Anyway, I made it to the doctor. They looked at my toe and decided right away it was a hematoma under my nail and they were going to need to drain it before it got infected. I freaked out as she left the room for supplies (needles, burner thing). I hate needles of all sorts and sizes. Whoever invented those things are bastards. I can usually muster up confidence to do these sorts of things, but I need time to prepare myself and possibly a zanex or two. I was given no choice and this event seemed it was just going to happen. So, in they come. They sprayed my toe with "freezy spray" which did not help by the way. The 3-4 shots of anastetia hurt like hell. I'm not over was awful. After my toe was numb, she proceeded to burn a hole in my toenail to drain out all the blood...which smelled horrible by the way. BLAH. It didnt hurt, I could just feel the pressure. Okay, good its over. When she told me I could sit up, I looked at the hole in my toe, still oozing blood and all the bloody gauze on the tray and, wait for it, FAINTED. I woke up shortly thereafter with an ice pack on my head. Only me, seriously. What an awful day. As I always have to say to Garrett, "Why Me?"

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Mogley has Arrived!!!

Garrett and I finally got our puppy. Garrett picked out the name Mogley, which I think is a great name and suits him well. So far, he is really well behaved...for a puppy. He has a great disposition and is such a happy little guy. Potty training is coming along nicely, he certainly grasps the concept, especially with a treat. He learned to sit the first day we had him. He is just so stinkin cute. That being said, it still will be nice when he is a little older and we don't have to follow his every move, waiting for bad behavior. So here he is...try not to die from all the cuteness.