Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Puppy Love

So I know Munch would never admit it, but I think he's becoming quite fond of the Doodle. He hasn't freaked out on him in I dont know how long and he is putting up with things I never thought he would (see pictures). Maybe Munch CAN learn to love another dog or maybe he has just come to the realization that Mogley is here to stay so he better just suck it up and play nice cause he's tired of being squirted in the face with a water bottle. The cold hard truth. I'm going with the latter.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Oh Beautiful Weekend

The weather this weekend was awesome. Yay God. We totally deserved a weekend like this after months and months of a bitter cold winter. The sun was out, the skies were clear, some of my tulips are starting to come out and I totally busted out my flip flops. Flip flops are the best part of nice weather, oh how I've missed them.

Weekend in Review

Friday: Worked 1/2 day. Went to The Gateway to do some shopping and realized how much I hate being poor, or hate being a cheapo when it comes to clothes. I wanted to buy just about everything in Jcrew but couldn't bring myself to buy one single thing. I'm just not willing to pay $88 for a shirt, no matter how freakin cute it is. The only item of clothing I'll spend a reasonable amount of money on is jeans...they are totally worth the big bucks if they fit. When Garrett got home we took the road bikes out for a nice ride. We rode up around the University of Utah and then went up City Creek Canyon. The weather was a little chilly, but nice. So Friday night I finally convinced Garrett that we needed to rent "Juno." I loved it! I knew I would but I'm glad it turned out to be a super cute, funny movie b/c I've been hyping it up in my head for a long time. Even Garrett liked it. Usually the only things he likes to watch have the word "documentary" somewhere in the title.

Saturday: Gorgeous Day. For most people, beautiful weather means fun family outings. For my family, it means going to the Dump. Garrett loves the dump. Or he must, b/c we take more trips there than anyone else I know. People will call me and ask what we're up to and I'm all "we're on the way to the Dump" and they just laugh b/c they know. After unloading a truckload of junk, we filled the back of Garrett's truck with dirt. Again, people laugh b/c we all know how much Garrett loves dirt. Saturday was his PERFECT day. After arriving home, we took the mountain bikes out to ride Dry Creek from the Zoo. It was so nice out, seriously. After riding, we picked up dinner from Citris Grill and went to bed.

Sunday: Even more beautiful day than Saturday. So what do we do with our beautiful day, you guessed it, shovel dirt. We spent all damn day shoveling. I shoveled the dirt from the truck to the wheel barrel and Garrett raked it into the yard. It was hard work and my shoulders are feeling the pain today. At the end of the day we forced ourselves to get on our road bikes for a quick loop around the city. It was too pretty outside to not take advantage, no matter how much I just wanted to throw myself on the floor and pass out. When we got back from riding, we sat on the couch and had a Dead Guy beer. Those babies are totally worth the $2.50 I pay per beer.
That's all. That's all we did. We had a fun, productive weekend and I'm already counting down for the next one.

Vampire Puppy

These pictures of the Vampire puppy really make me laugh. Not because Mogley looks completely ridiculous, but because Munch looks so totally unimpressed by his shenanigans. Munch is all "Bring it" and Mogley is all "this is what you get for trying to hump my face." Don't even ask.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Woohoo Its Friday!!

So yesterday Garrett and I were hanging out and Munch was just sitting on the floor staring at us. The next sentence out of Garrett's mouth made me realize why I married this man. He proclaimed, "Munch really is the cutest dog in the whole world." While I wanted to rip his clothes off right there, I just smiled and nodded. We've had Munch for nearly 4 years now and to this day, I still always tell Garrett to "look at him, look how cute he looks." Garrett then tells me that his brain is swelling up from the overload of cuteness and if I ask him to look at the cuteness again, he will be dead, killed by cuteness.
This is a senseless post but I'm just feeling a little senseless today...it is Friday afterall.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I'm Beginning to Wonder

Will the weather in Utah EVER be nice??? Seriously, I'm so over this crap weather I could just vomit. We'll have one nice day to get me all anxious and excited and then the weather guy slaps me in the face and is all "Just Kidding," more rain, snow and cold weather to come. Its a good thing that guy is kinda hot, otherwise I might not ever want to watch his predictions again.

We did get out on our mountain bikes yesterday after work. The Bonneville Shoreline trail is in perfect condition...not too hot, bone dry, not too many loose rocks, and the snakes are still sleeping. There were approximately 2 million people also out on the trail yesterday. It was the most crowded I've seen it in a long time. It was fun though, and its definitely getting easier for me. Garrett and I passed lots and lots of guys...I know it hurts their self esteem pretty bad to be passed by a little blonde girl. I can tell from the huffing and puffing and near asthma attacks I hear behind me right after I go by them.

Mogley is at Camp Barkalot today, thank the Lord. He was full of energy last night and kept me up chewing on bones, toys, pacing, etc. Garrett could sleep through a hurricane so stuff like that doesn't really bother him. He usually comes home with not enough energy to stand, which is fine by me. He has learned a rather annoying habit at daycare, BARKING. Barking at anything and everything. We couldn't figure out where he picked up that precious habit but Garrett noticed that when he picked him up from Daycare all 150 dogs were having a delightful time barking at air. Perfect. He's part golden, part poodle and part douchebag. Money well spent.

Munch is definitely on the mend, back to his old crabby self. I always take full advantage of his sickness, he loves to be held and cuddled and I can pretty much do anything I want to him and I still get a loving lick. But now, he's back. The moment I start to put my face near his he gives me the "oh no you don't you crazy woman" look that I so hate.

My work week is 1/2 over. This thought makes me smile.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Get a Life People

Shouldn't environmental groups be worrying about our shitty air quality? Leave the mountain bikers alone, for God's sake.

A new Wilderness Designation proposal is being pushed through by a group called "Save Our Canyons". If this proposal passes it will eliminate MTB access to the popular Mill D trail. What is more, is this trail is the only access point to several other incredible trails, including the Wasatch Crest Trail (you can access the crest from Guardsman Pass). As mountain bikers we need to unify in opposing this proposal. Please write to Senator Bennet using the linked form:

Let him know that you oppose the closing of existing bike trails due to the political agenda of an environmental group. You can read the proposal here:

Weekend with Brad

This weekend, Garrett's friend from highschool came to visit. Having Brad here was a breath of fresh air. He is a fun, afternoon beer drinking kind of guy which is just what I needed. It brought back a lot of fun memories from Texas and makes me realize the one thing I miss about that place. We love Salt Lake, don't get me wrong, its just very, very different. We didn't do a whole lot which is fine by me. Friday night we went to Squatters for burgers and beer. Saturday we went for a bike ride in Park City, took the dogs to Tanner Park and spent the rest of the afternoon in the back yard drinking beer, chatting and throwing the frisbee. We did dinner at Reg Iguana foll0wed by a beer at Trolley Bar. Sunday morning I made waffles with fresh strawberries and Garrett made Lattes. After taking Brad to the airport for his long flight back to Washington D.C., Garrett and I tore out our parking strip. It was really hard work. We're going to do some sort of desert scape to save water. This week is supposed to be beautiful. Bring it on!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

April Showers...Where are my Flowers???

It's mid April. I wait all year for my bulb flowers to shoot up, hopefully in unison cause that's the way I planted them. All my neighbors have beautiful flowers, all kinds and colors. Here is my one flower. Its a sad sight to behold. Hi, my name is Brittany and I am a bulb flower failure.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Cholla Challenge

Me and Garrett before the Race

Sun Rise
It didnt take long
Munchie...ready to get out of the car
The dogs on guard...this is what we pay them for.
Making sure no one comes near their carpet
Cute Mogley
Even cuter Munchie...check out that tongue, now that's tired
Hanging out
Our bikes
Allright, enough, let's go home.
I feel like I always say this, but our weekend has flown by like usual. It was more eventful than normal, so I guess its no surprise. We had our first mountain bike race this weekend in Hurricane, Utah. Pronounce that city how you like, I think Utah people are wrong, I dont care what they say. Anyway, we left Friday afternoon...dogs, bikes, and everything else we own in tow. Shortly after departure my allergies decided it was a good time to show up. Lovely. For the next 3 hours or so I coughed, sneezed and felt like my head was going to pop off from all the pressure. In Cedar City, where we stopped for dinner, I bought some benadryl, the non drousy sort. My ass. After about 30 minutes, I started feeling dilusional and realized what was happening. The non drowsy medicine was making me drowsy. I want my money back.

Anyway, we camped at the race site. By camped I mean cramped in the back of the 4Runner with Munch and an extremely large Doodle laying on what felt like jagged rocks in my back even though I layed a pretty large comforter underneath us. Next time when Garrett says we dont need the blow up pads, "The Comforter will be just fine," his life might be in danger. I had to lay 1/2 of my body on top of his in order to make it through the night. By morning, I was still feeling congested but I didn't dare take another benadryl before the race.

The race went okay, super long and draining, but okay. Garrett and I both finished middle of the pack which we were both happy about. 26 miles, racing on a mountain bike is pretty intense. It doesnt sound all that bad, but trust me it is. I made it okay, it was just tough. I'm glad we did it though, I felt very accomplished when we were done. The weather was perfect, and it turned out to be a really nice day. So we packed up the car and headed back to Salt Lake.

Sunday, we got up and Munchie was sick. Poor little dude. Mogs was sick on Friday and I'm thinking maybe he passed it on but we'll see...we have a vet appt. this afternoon. He couldn't keep anything down, he just threw up all day. Literally, all day...I feel so sad for him. Garrett spent the good part of the morning building his new Cannondale mountain bike. I helped a little, but I just sat outside and watched, enjoying the beautiful day, drinking nalgene after nalgene of water trying to rehydrate after Saturday. After persuading my legs that mountain biking was a good idea, we hit the Shoreline trail for a really nice ride. Garrett really liked his new mountain bike. He said it was different, but fun. He went from a 29'er soft tail to a 26'er full suspension. So its smaller, but really fast and easier to maneuver. (For anyone that cares)

So its Monday. Munch is still sick and I'm worried that he's dehydrated so its off to the Vet. Apparently Mommy and Munch snuggle time will not fix every problem. Its a beautiful, warm spring day here in Salt Lake today. I'm going to try and enjoy it from my office. Oh boy.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

We're Gonna Need a Bigger Bathroom

Seriously. This is what my teenie weenie bathroom looks like in the mornings. Me, Garrett, Munch in front of the heater and Mogley everywhere else. Don't mind us...we're only trying to get ready for work, to make money to buy your VERY expensive dog food. Don't let us get in your way.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Weekend with the Parents

My weekend with my parents is now officially over. They are just about back to Houston as I type this post. We had a nice, very uneventful weekend. We skiied, went to dinner, took the dogs to Tanner Park, had adult beverages on various occasions and Garrett and I even got a nice, long bike ride in. It was a good weekend. I have great parents, great dogs and a great husband. I am a lucky girl.

I FINALLY got my new cell phone and L-O-V-E it. It's the same phone my hubby has, only its a slider version. So far, I'm really liking it. Of course I immediately took a picture of my main man Munchie for the screensaver. I'm so predictable sometimes.
Garrett's Uncle Kyle is here this week. I haven't met him yet, he lives in Alaska so I'm sure you can understand why. I'm looking forward to meeting him...Garrett talks a lot about him. From what I understand, they are a lot alike, so how could I not love him?

We have our first mountain bike race this coming weekend in Hurricane, Utah. I'm a little nervous about racing, even though I've managed to stay in pretty good shape through our brutal winter. I'm racing sport this year so this race will be 24 miles, not the 12 I did last year (which nearly killed me by the way). It should be interesting. I just have to keep the mindset that I'm paying to do this so just keep it fun. Yeah right.

Mogley is growing by the day. Literally. We really can't believe how freakin' big he is. He is barely 5 months old and is well over 50 lbs. My dad thought he grew everyday. I think he might be right.

My new drug of choice is coffee...Garrett too. That damn machine Garrett fixed makes the best coffee and we've been drinking way more than we used to. I'm completely obsessed with Soy Lattes...my sweet hubby even brought me one in bed this morning before I got up for work. We're hooked for sure. Its better than sex. Just kidding. Not really.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

An Update from Tuesday, and More

**UPDATE** We did not get to paint. Garrett went outside to get the paint and, low and behold, the bucket was empty. Also, conveniently, Sherwin Williams was closed. One would think "WE" would have checked that first, but apparently "WE" do not do things like that. "WE" just assume that we have paint-a-plenty. So "I" get to go buy paint today and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, we better get that trim painted or I might have an anxiety seizure and die. Then the trim paint would all be for nothing, and we dont want that now do we? **UPDATE**

On a happy note, I just purchased a new cell phone. Going back to my procrastination of buying things, I have been thinking of buying one since September of 2007. I have needed to buy one since September 2007, seeing as though I threw mine, on accident, across the driveway. It died, to no ones surprise. Being the cheapo and undecisive person that I am, I have managed to prolong this purchase thanks to my Daddy. He didn't use his cell phone much, okay at all, since he had to look for it when I asked him about it. He offered to let me use it until I was ready to buy my own. So, he (my Mom) shipped it on up to Utah where I have been using it ever since. So the past few weeks I have had a very bad feeling. A feeling that I was going to kill his phone and then end up having to buy 2 new phones. So finally, today, I broke down and bought one. Hopefully it will be here in a couple of days so I can send my Dad's phone back to Texas with him safe and sound, in perfectly good, working condition.

Tonight, while the husband is PAINTING, I will start cleaning. I need to call the damn maid, but again, I'm just not that spontaneous...and slightly worried that she won't do a good job for my money. Just ask Garrett, I'm slightly crazy when it comes to cleaning day. Its not that he's not a good toilet scrubber, its just that I'm so much better:) That should be okay...he is better at things like "fixing" or "moving" or "hauling." I don't know why I obsess about a clean house. I know my parents won't care either way, its just something I have to do. Its really not even that dirty I guess, just a palace of toy fuzz thanks to my furry children. We only thought Mogley slept through the night...really he tries to spread toy fuzz over every square foot of my house. Last night he successfully covered just about every square foot, high five Mogley. I appreciate it. Well, at least he's not chewing the coffee table, right? Am I right?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Tuesday Ramblings

Today is Tuesday. My parents come to visit on Thursday. The basement bedroom is still a disaster. Garrett and I have exactly 2 days to get our shit together, tick tock, tick tock...we always do this. I know we'll get it done, but we have to wait until the last minute, its just the way we, unfortunately roll, I suppose. Garrett and I got the trim up on Saturday, we caulked Sunday, we taped Monday and hopefully, if all goes as planned, tonight we will paint. I'm putting off painting the dresser and built in's due to lack of time and motivation. The head board I bought is about an inch too wide for the metal bed frame to attach easily, figures. Garrett is going to try and fashion something to make it work b/c my "just zip-ty it" idea was obviously crap. Hopefully those 5 years of Engineering School will fill his brain with brilliant ideas to attach a headboard. I've got faith in him. We also need to hang some posters I had framed for the basement...picked them up like a month ago. Everytime I ask my dear husband to hang them, somehow the subject gets changed and I forget. I would try hanging them myself, but the thought of me with a hammer and nails, approximating all the way, makes Garrett cringe. He's a perfectionist when it comes to that kind of stuff, everything centered perfectly, measured, drawn out and marked. I just eye ball it, approximation is so much easier. If the Kener marriage makes it through this project/remodel over the next couple of days, we can make it through anything. I'm just kidding, but not really:)

Totally unrelated to remodeling, can I just say I am totally disgusted with the man who threw the boxer off the overpass here in Salt Lake. This story has really gotten to me and I think about it a lot. Luckily the boxer lived to be reunited with his owner thanks to some awesome bystanders, but we can all hope that man dies a horrible, painful death. I dont hope he goes to jail...I hope someone angry gets to him first. I hate this man with all my heart, a man who can take an innocent dog and so carelessly attempt to end his life. This man is a coward, and if there is a hell, he has a first class ticket there.