Thursday, February 28, 2008


Everyone has things that bug them, even if there is no rhyme or reason for being bugged at all. I can think of a few things that drive me nuts on a normal occasion. I should really try to work on these things, it makes me seem a little obsessive compulsive now that I'm reading them. Oh well.

Hangers. I hate hangers. I especially hate the crappy wire hangers but I really dislike them all. They do a good job hanging up my clothes, but there is nothing worse than reaching for an empty hanger only to find its tangled up with other hangers. Ahhh. It makes me cringe just thinking about it.

Mess. I hate having a mess at home. At work, I don't really care. My office is usually a complete disaster and I'm okay with that. At home however, a messy house puts me in a lousy mood. I dont know why and I wish it didn't. A clean house is a happy house, right?

Men in spandex. This is a weird one I know. Especially since my husband wears it. But it bugs me pretty bad. I don't even like to kiss Garrett when he has it on and sometimes just seeing him in it can put me in a bad mood. It looks horrible and completely ridiculous on every man. No man can pull off spandex, I don't care if you're Brad Pitt.

China. I know, another weird one. Garrett had to go to China last year 3 times and I hated it. Hated it. So much, in fact, that to this day I don't like to have any conversation that has anything to do with China. I should get over it, but its just one of those things. What's wrong with me?

Some Friends. Let me be more specific. Friends that only call you/email you when they need something from you. They don't call to see how you are and what you've been up to. They only call when they need your help. Garrett has more of these than I do, way more, but it bugs me nonetheless.

Dresscodes. Again, let me be more specific. I think its totally and completely ridiculous to have a dress code at work. I feel like we're in highschool still. My work actually has a handbook with a dress code in it...ahhhhhhh. We are grown adults, all of us. I think it should be up to us how we dress, seriously. Why the hell do they care? Why would our attire effect our work? If anything, we spend more time wasted by just talking about how ridiculous it is. I mean, no capris, no denim jackets, wtf? I wear my denim jacket anyway, and usually get told on. I don't care, they can't tell me what jacket to wear.

Dirty Sheets. I hate dirty sheets. If I didn't work, I would change me sheets every single day. Don't ask me why, cause I don't have an answer for you.

Getting Gas. I hate getting gas. It totally puts me in a bad mood. Don't know why. Its not even the money, I just hate standing there while its pumping. I dont have time for that crap.

Solicitors. That should not even be legal. Seriously. I'm usually really rude when they come to my door. No, I will not buy your stupid coupon booklet so you can go on a trip. No I do not want to take your survey. Stop coming to my door. And if you do, dont ask me if the "lady of the house" is home. Thats me damnit.

Public Swimming Pools. I really want to get over this one. Just thinking about them bugs me. People let their children do all sorts of nasty things in public pools. Just when I was thinking of joining one for lap swimming, I heard not to...there was a parasite in almost all Salt Lake public pools caused from diarrhea that was making people really sick. Can you say vomit? Well there goes that idea. Why can't there be adult only pools?

Most Children. Children have a tendency to bug me. Not all children, but most. There is nothing worse than trying to have a nice dinner ruined by screaming children or trying to shop and having kids flailing around running into people. Control your children people, or at least hire babysitters for God's sake.

That is all for now. I really should get back to worse. I am really just wasting my time.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Lucky Girl

I am all smiles right now thinking about my cute husband. He is at home right now waxing my new skis so that I can try them out tonight. He also just got home from picking up our new slate tile. What an awesome dude. He is also going to go to Park City to look at some condos with me, his mom, his sister and her kids...b/c I want him to. I know he doesn't want to spend his Friday with children but he's doing it anyway. I really am a LUCKY girl. sidenote: thanks to him, I can check three things off my list of "To-Do's." I love you Garrett!

Weekend Goals

For whatever reason, I'm really looking forward to this weekend. Just a couple more hours to go :) Here are a couple things I would like to do this weekend:

1. Spend some time with my Mother-in-Law while she's in the way, I really don't like the sounds of that term, too formal. We'll just call her Mom #2.
2. Have fun with my new backcountry skis, all while trying to avoid avalanches. Yes, yes dangerous smangerous. Isn't riding in a car dangerous? We just do it anyway. We only have one life.
3. Try to take some pictures other than ones of things with 4 legs that bark.
4. NO CLEANING. I want to go just one weekend without trying to clean things up. The house doesn't have to be squeaky clean in order for me to be happy.
5. Stare at my new slate floor. No, its not laid yet. Garrett picks it up this morning so I'll just be staring at it in the box. I'm okay with that.
6. Go for dinner and drinks with my hubby. That always makes me happy.
7. Maybe, just maybe buy Creative Suite 3 Premium, which includes a really kick ass version of Photoshop. I am the most non-impulsive buyer you will ever meet. I have to dwell and tinker over the idea of buying something long before I ever buy it. Its really annoying. You see, I have this super opportunity to buy a full version of Creative Suite 3 for less than $400...long story. New I think its over $1800. I should just buy it right. I dont know why I have to make this so difficult. This could be my turning point...just do it Brittany. I only have until March or my opportunity is gone. DAMN. Its just $400 right?

I dont want to go overboard. We'll shoot for this and see how the weekend goes. I know how it will go...FAST. So fast it will be Sunday before I know it and I'll be complaining to Garrett how I dont want to go to work tomorrow. Its a tradition these days.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Drum Roll Please

If you are anyone who's anyone, you already look at The Daily Puppy everyday. Its a fun website that showcases a new beautiful puppy everyday. Its part of my Google homepage so I can see their sweet faces all day long. Well, as you could imagine, I entered Mogley...and he won! I'm super excited but not shocked. I am such a proud Doodle mom today. You can view him and all his glory here:

Monday, February 18, 2008

My Work has no LOVE for President's Day

These boys Love my BLACK futon, damn them, and damn me for being such a sucker for those cute faces and letting them up there after I claim they are no longer allowed.
Doodles and Sticks
Trying to escape Munchie, the number one Stick Stealer
Profile Shot...such a handsome boy
Enjoying the Sunshine
Mogley the Doodle
"My Sticks better than Your Stick"
My Good Buddy Robin on our Snowshoeing Excursion
I had to throw in a picture of an actual human being so that people don't think I'm crazy and have no friends.
Happy President's Day Everyone!! I, unfortunately, don't have the day off to celebrate. I guess I could use a Floating Holiday, but now that I think about it, I don't believe I would waste one today...not that President's Day isn't a noble holiday and all. Moving on.

So, we had a pretty good weekend I suppose. Friday night Garrett and I went to Little America Hotel for an awesome dinner at the Steakhouse. Yum. We had a seafood sampler thing for appetizer (yes, the most expensive one on the menu), I had a mixed grill (tenderloin and halibut) and Garrett had a large tenderloin for the main course, and then we had a fabulous mango cheesecake for dessert. It was all really, really good. The best part was that we only had to pay for the couple glasses of wine we each had. Thanks continue to give me free stuff and I Love it. Saturday, Garrett went backcountry skiing with Joe and I went snowshoeing with Robin. I was a little jealous of Garrett...I've had my Brand New Backcountry skis and bindings in the back of my car for a week now and dont have the bindings mounted yet...long story but no boots. **Update, bought the boots I wanted from a store in Portland for a great price...they should be here Wednesday** Sunday we started out the day taking the dogs to the Dog Park. It was such a nice day and the dogs had so much fun. Munch did the usual running around like a complete maniac and Mogley just trotted along with Garrett and Me. Munch just spends the entire time trying to show off for people...making giant leaps, running as fast as he possibly can, bouldering over rocks, and he even rolled down a hill on his back for some people who were giving him lots of attention for his cuteness. He is such a clown. I love how people just look at Munch and can't help but laugh. No matter what kind of mood I'm in, that Munchie always makes me smile...its therapeutic really. Mogley got his fair share of attention at the park too. Everyone commented on his paw size, they are enormous!! One guy said it looked like he had snowshoes on. It was really good for them. They both passed out for the rest of the afternoon. Garrett and I FINALLY got a chance to drag the road bikes out. I felt like I hadn't ridden mine in forever. It was so nice to go out for a ride. I forgot how much I really love to be on my bike. All I have to say about the next storm coming at the end of the week is: DAMN IT. This is going to be a long winter. I know it.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Hats, Hats, Hats

I Love Hats. I Love wearing Hats. Unfortunately though for me, Hats are always one of those accessories I always forget I even have. I can never remember to put them on. I think I'll start posting pics of me in all my hats I never wear. Here is one of me in my glitter black hat with a bow on the side...its really very cute. Happy Friday Everyone!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008


White Chocolate Pretzel Rods with SPRINKLES
Hug Pretzels
Old Flowers from the Husband...I love roses for their ability to be saved
The Love Refridgerator Magnet
Our First Valentines Day as Husband and Wife...awwww
Happy Valentines Day Everyone! I hope everyone feels as lucky as me to have someone very special to spend it with, whether here or afar (he loves you all the way from TX Hils). Last year, for Valentines Day, Garrett was in China, yuck. I know its just a stupid holiday, but this year my present is just to be with him. I LOVE him. My Father-in-Law and Mom sent me a card. That was really sweet of them. I LOVE them. I also did some Valentines Day Baking...yippee! I really do love baking fun, colorful things. I just don't normally have the time, or reason/people to bake for. Holidays give me the perfect excuse. I bundled up all my goodies to bring to friends at work and sent some bags with Garrett to give to his friends. (sidenote: he wasn't thrilled to take his friends V-Day treats in a heart bag, but too bad. Beggers can't be choosers.) We don't have any big Valentines Day plans...there is no meal worth waiting 2+ hours for so we're going to a nice dinner at Little America on Friday. I'm excited, especially cause its free. Yay free! Tonight, is Mogley's first day of school. We signed up for 8 puppy classes, so hopefully he'll be a good boy when he's older. I told Garrett I'm going to get Mogs a new backpack with his name embroidered on it for his first day...I got noped. haha. Well Everyone have A GREAT Valentines Day!! XOXO

Monday, February 11, 2008

No Fun Pictures

Friday, Saturday, Sunday...gone. Back to work. I didn't have a chance to take any pics this past weekend. Sorry. We had a pretty productive/semi-eventful weekend. Can I just say that I love having 1/2 days off on Friday. I usually get so much done. So, Friday after work, Garrett and I finally went and bought our kitchen tile and matching backsplash. Yippee! We ended up buying slate in the Autumn Mist color. I'm so excited. It will look awesome when its done. Garrett and his very helpful buddy RJ are going to lay it so I see some kitchen destruction in my near future. If nothing else, I'll have a great excuse not to cook for a couple days. After spending money on tile, we went to test drive some cars. The big plan is that when the 4Runner is paid off/almost paid off, we'll sell Garrett's truck and he'll take over the 4Runner and we'll buy an AWD car. We just don't need a big, diesel truck. I think we figured out what type of car we're going to buy, now we just wait and watch for a good deal. Saturday we busted out the mountain bikes. The weather wasn't great, but it was good enough. We did a nice, long ride around Salt Lake and even rode up City Creek Canyon. It was so nice to get back on the bikes...I even got to finally wear my new shoes, which I love by the way. Sidi's Rock. We didn't do too much the rest of the day, but I was glad to just lay around and relax. We deserved it. Sunday we went skiing with Joe and Robin. It was really fun to ski with them (Robin). We skiied (she boarded) pretty well together and the weather was perfect, so it was a good day. When Robin and I were done, the boys went up for another run and we got a beer. It was a great day...we would love to go out skiing with them more often. Garrett and I hit Costco on the way home for a few things and then we pretty much didnt get off the couch the rest of the night. Well, that's our weekend, in a nut shell. Nothing too exciting, but good. I love that Garrett and I are so active. I'm a lucky girl.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Puppy Pictures Rock

Munch's New Naughty Jacket...Thanks Dustin for making it work! Isn't he adorable???
Me and Mogley
Puppy Kisses
Mogley...3 Months Old
What a Good Boy
He is tired of having his picture taken already
My New Bedroom Artwork...16x20 Black and White Prints...they turned out really well.

Superbowl Sunday

Thank the lord this year was a fairly good Superbowl Game!! I was rooting for the Giants...and they what could be better? I have no basis for rooting for the Giants other than they were the underdogs and really...How many Escalades does Tom Brady really need? He already has a Girlfriend straight out of the Victoria's Secret catalog, isn't that enough? Anyway, it was a good day. We got up early to go skiing on Sunday morning...lets just say Garrett had fun, I really didn't. It was just one of those ski days. For those of us girls who ski, you know what I'm talking about. Anyway, I made the best of the Lodge Fire and had a good morning. Afterwards, we went home to get ready for the game. Garrett had some things to do before the cable would work downstairs and I had to finish up my crockpot BBQ. It looks a little like throw up, but it was good as a sandwich. Joe, Robin, Pete and Hilary joined us for the game. It was fun. Good food, good friends, good beer...a nice Sunday. Thank you Superbowl for giving us a reason to have fun on Sunday. Sunday Funday.

Friday, February 1, 2008


Here are some new pics of my babies. They make me smile so hopefully they will have the same effect on all of you. HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE!!!

Yay for Fridays, Snow and Sweatpants!!

I have 3 Things to Say YAY for today. First of all, its Friday!!! Who doesn't love Fridays? I love Fridays even more now that I only have to work for 4, love my boss for going to bat for me. Customized hours is not something Sinclair does...EVER...but my boss made it happen for me. Yay Scott! Also, YAY for Snow. Utah is currently getting dumped on today, and has been for a week or so. I can't wait to hit the slopes tomorrow. Its going to be a great ski day. And Finally, YAY for sweatpants. For those who know me, I have a slight fetish with sweatpants. Some may think its weird, but I don't care. I love the challenge of trying to make a cute, funky "wear-outable" outfit with sweatpants and a top. Scrunched to the knee, tennis shoes, a cami and a jackets is one of my favorites. Some people think sweats are frumpy and only jammy material, but not me...they are so much more. Why am I even talking about this you ask? Well yesterday was a fabulous day. When I got home from work, I had two packages waiting for me on my front door. One was from my mom...a brand new pair of VS Pink Sweatpants...Yippee! All of my current ones are bright colors so I'm happy to add a darker one to the mix. The other package was from my awesome sister-in-law Carlyn. She got me some Virginia sweats...that's where she goes to college. YAY! I love them...they are big and boyish and absolutely perfect. What a fun way to end my Thursday...presents. YAY! Thanks Mom and Carlyn...I love you both!!