Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy Groundhog Day!!!

I took this picture from the parking lot at my work...Beautiful isn't it?

Garrett & I after skinning up in Big Cottonwood Canyon. The breathtaking views and feelings of accomplishment are kinda indescribable.

Happy Groundhog Day! Something about the celebrating of a rodent makes me all happy inside.

Seriously, weekends go by way too fast. I need more time!! Friday we decided to do nothing. We did go to Home Depot for a couple of hours, but thats completely normal behavior these days. The guys that work there know us by name...kinda like family. Sad. Yeah, so we picked up pizza and hung out with the pups. Pretty great actually.

Saturday we got up and did a little backcountry skiing. See pic above. Skinning up a mountain is one of the hardest things physically I have ever done, but when you reach the top and get to ski down ungroomed, beautiful fresh powder, not a line in sight, no children to dodge, it's all worth it. Garrett and I are really enjoying the backcountry life...we both could totally pass on ski resorts these days. We're lucky to be able to go do this for a couple hours...then its back to the house to work. And we did. This weekend Garrett has managed to get most of the electrical done and the gas line moved. It doesn't look like we did anything, but we definitely did. I really don't have the skills to do anything of value so I've dubbed myself the official tool hander. I'm pretty good at it. I was going to tackle the ceiling texture, but after a little practice outside with mud and a trowel, I found out I suck at that too. Garrett is much better and faster, so I guess he gets that job too. I guess I'll just have to be the mud refiller. Saturday night we went to the Piper Down to watch one of Garrett's buddies sing. Pretty fun.

Sunday we worked more on the kitchen and then went to a Superbowl Party in Park City. I was not really looking forward to it, but we ended up having a pretty good time. So, thats it. That was our weekend! Please try not to be too jealous.

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