Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I know it's been a while since I have updated this blog, but I really have no excuses. I feel like we have been so busy, but when I try and think of what we've been up to, it all seems pretty inconsequential. Here are a few updates:
*The picture above was taken at the Deer Valley BB King Concert. It was a great night!
*I got a new job! I'm still at Black Diamond, but instead of working in finance, I am now the Executive Assistant/Legal Assistant to the CEO and In House Counsel. I'm psyched for the opportunity!
*We're still mountain biking a ton. We've done 2 endurance races so far with one more to go. I'll be glad when those are over.
*Last weekend we went to Grand Targhee in Alta, Wyoming for the Pierre's Hole 50 miler. It was seriously the hardest thing I have ever done. There were plenty of times I secretly hoped for a bike crash so I would have an excuse to bail.
*We want to move to Park City. We think we can make this happen and are working on it. Stay tuned for more details as they unfold.

Other than that, I've got nothing new to report. This is a super boring post, so hopefully I can redeem myself in the next few days with an adorable bulldog picture. We'll see!!

1 comment:

Kari said...

Yeah! Congrats on the new job opp! I'm glad you updated us on your life.

Park City, wow! How fun.