Thursday, August 20, 2009


For Munch, one of the priviledges of being little and compact is sleeping in bed with Garrett and me. This has been going on since the first time Garrett went to China and generally, we hardly notice. Until now. It must be the summer heat and a house with no central a/c, but he is now finding it necessary to get up at ridiculous o'clock with a thirst that seems unreasonable for such a little dog. For what seems like hours, he drinks out of his water bowl and he does it so loudly that on several occasions I have gone to check to make sure there is not a giant wildebeast in our living room. No, it's just Munch...back to bed. When he's done drinking his water he comes and scratches on the bed, needing a lift up, waking us up yet again. And then Garrett ever so carefully picks him back up on the don't want to jostle that water around too much because the only thing that could make the night any worse would be cleaning up the hour's worth of water and mushy Eukanuba from a few hours earlier, thrown up by the cutest little french bulldog there ever was. And you can pretty much guess what happens next. Yep, he's thirsty.

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