Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Awesome comes in many forms. Today, Awesome comes to us in the form of boots. Vintage, 20 year old, Miss Capezio Butterfly boots to be exact. You see, I've wanted a pair of these for a long time...only I'm much too poor and can't afford the asking price of vintage cowboy boots that haven't been made in 20 years. Anyway, I recently found a pair on Craigslist in Lubbock, TX of all places and the lady really had no idea what she was holding on to. I felt like I was stealing from her...excellent condition, my size, my kind of price, but other people's ignorance really isn't my problem. So I sent her paypal with a grin on my face, happily paying the extra $2.50 she wanted to charge me for gas to go to the post office (what the hell, really).

Yesterday was such a gloomy day here in Salt Lake. The world got a little better for me when I pulled into the driveway after work and there was a boot sized box sitting on my doorstep. I hurried to open the box, like a little kid on Xmas and, I was not disappointed. Awesome hardly describes them and they fit really well. They were meant for me.

So, of course, when Garrett got home from work, I had them on. I cooked dinner in them, I watched tv in them, I really never took them off except to get in the hot tub and when I went to bed. I asked Garrett if he was going to be embarrased if these boots are all I wear from now on, with everything. He said he'll just worry about that if it becomes an issue. Well get worried Garrett, a life of embarrasment is ahead of you.

P.S. Garrett thinks they are awesome too.


Anonymous said...

wow, this is too weird. First of all, yes the boots are awesome! :-)

Secondly, I don't know if you remember but when I first "found" your blog and left a comment I told ya I grew up in TX too....it was Lubbock to be exact! So I just had to leave another comment....which is a kinda pointless comment I guess. But still kinda cool, perhaps, in a weird way?

Leicy said...

I love those boots......I would totally wear them.
Story about Isaacs shoes, I bought them vicariously for myself! I love those shoes so much I wanted to buy a matching pair, Jason said it would be creepy so I bought a black pair instead......he he he.....I wore them to his school on Friday and the teacher immediately noticed we were wearing the same kind of shoes. PS: Isaac loves them too, he wore them to bed the day I bought them....he is totally ME!

Kari said...

Cute boots! They are so you Britt!