Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Catch Up Time

Sorry I haven't posted in a couple of days. Its not that I didn't have anything to post about, its just that I haven't had the time. I'm sure it will be back to random thoughts and cute Munchie pictures in no time.
Here is what has been going on with me:
First of all, I got a new job. I wasn't really out looking for a new job...one just kinda presented itself to me. I'll be working for Black Diamond, a company whose gear already has a home at my house. We have their skis, their skins, their gloves (several pair), their poles, their ski packs and I think maybe even a headlamp or two. BD is a local Salt Lake company...they are known for their awesome skis and climbing equipment and its a company that is not terribly easy to get a "real" job at. So, when I got the job offer, I just couldn't turn it down. Its a whole new direction for me and I'm more than happy to not be a paralegal. There are lots of people that work there, most my age and almost all share my hobbies and way of life. I think it will be a fantastic opportunity for me to make some friends, a task that has been virtually impossible at Sinclair, with the exception of Hilary. They have some pretty sweet benefits...no dress code which means flip flops in the summer, Ugg Boots in the winter, and Miss Capezio cowboy boots in between. I can't tell you how happy it makes me to be able to wear jeans to work. Hallelujah...a company that cares about the employees. Another cool thing is your dog can come to work with you. How fun! While I dont think I'll be taking Mr. Grumpo, I do think Mogs will really enjoy himself. Anyway, I start December 1st. Wish me Luck!!

This past weekend was really refreshing for me. New job on the horizon, the hard part of telling my current job I'm leaving was done, and a weekend full of beautiful, perfect weather was just what I needed. Saturday, we did some backcountry skiing up behind Alta with our neighbor Trevor. The weather was great and up high, the snow was pretty great too. Its always weird strapping skis on for the first time of the season, but I'm so looking forward to it this year. Later that night, we went down to the Salt Lake Fat Flake Festival. It was fun...had a beer, got our picture taken and I was suckered into buying a tshirt to support the Avalanche Rescue Dogs. Those guys, with their cute, life risking dogs could probably get me to buy just about anything. Marketing geniuses.

Sunday, the day after skiing, we rode our road bikes...in shorts. Again, the weather was perfect. We spent the rest of the day raking leaves, pulling weeds, moving flagstone and ended the night with some much needed hot tub time. See, my weekend was nice. Told you.

Thanksgiving is coming up quick. We're traveling to Austin, TX to spend Thanksgiving with the family. This is the first time since we've lived in Utah that we will not be in Moab for Thanksgiving. While Moab is always fun, I'm very much looking forward to seeing everyone, especially Carlyn...I haven't seen her since last Christmas. I think it will be fun times and I'm getting pretty excited. It will be here before I know it.


Birdie said...

That does sound like a great weekend. I think I will start living vicariously through you, since my life these days is pretty crappy with school and such! Yours sounds much more fun. Good luck on the new job! I'm so excited you will be at the Christmas party with us! What an awesome feeling it must be to start fresh and do something new :)

Kari said...

Congrats and good luck! Alta looks beautiful!

{Hilary} said...

those photos are awesome and i am so, so happy about the new job. change is always a good thing.

Carlyn said...

Thanks for the shout-out!! haha woohoo I made the blog.

I'm SO excited for thanksgiving in less than 1 week!