Friday, February 22, 2008

Weekend Goals

For whatever reason, I'm really looking forward to this weekend. Just a couple more hours to go :) Here are a couple things I would like to do this weekend:

1. Spend some time with my Mother-in-Law while she's in the way, I really don't like the sounds of that term, too formal. We'll just call her Mom #2.
2. Have fun with my new backcountry skis, all while trying to avoid avalanches. Yes, yes dangerous smangerous. Isn't riding in a car dangerous? We just do it anyway. We only have one life.
3. Try to take some pictures other than ones of things with 4 legs that bark.
4. NO CLEANING. I want to go just one weekend without trying to clean things up. The house doesn't have to be squeaky clean in order for me to be happy.
5. Stare at my new slate floor. No, its not laid yet. Garrett picks it up this morning so I'll just be staring at it in the box. I'm okay with that.
6. Go for dinner and drinks with my hubby. That always makes me happy.
7. Maybe, just maybe buy Creative Suite 3 Premium, which includes a really kick ass version of Photoshop. I am the most non-impulsive buyer you will ever meet. I have to dwell and tinker over the idea of buying something long before I ever buy it. Its really annoying. You see, I have this super opportunity to buy a full version of Creative Suite 3 for less than $400...long story. New I think its over $1800. I should just buy it right. I dont know why I have to make this so difficult. This could be my turning point...just do it Brittany. I only have until March or my opportunity is gone. DAMN. Its just $400 right?

I dont want to go overboard. We'll shoot for this and see how the weekend goes. I know how it will go...FAST. So fast it will be Sunday before I know it and I'll be complaining to Garrett how I dont want to go to work tomorrow. Its a tradition these days.

1 comment:

Kari said...

Yeah! How much did you get accomplished??? I hear CS3 is awesome. You should just do it.