Friday, February 1, 2008

Yay for Fridays, Snow and Sweatpants!!

I have 3 Things to Say YAY for today. First of all, its Friday!!! Who doesn't love Fridays? I love Fridays even more now that I only have to work for 4, love my boss for going to bat for me. Customized hours is not something Sinclair does...EVER...but my boss made it happen for me. Yay Scott! Also, YAY for Snow. Utah is currently getting dumped on today, and has been for a week or so. I can't wait to hit the slopes tomorrow. Its going to be a great ski day. And Finally, YAY for sweatpants. For those who know me, I have a slight fetish with sweatpants. Some may think its weird, but I don't care. I love the challenge of trying to make a cute, funky "wear-outable" outfit with sweatpants and a top. Scrunched to the knee, tennis shoes, a cami and a jackets is one of my favorites. Some people think sweats are frumpy and only jammy material, but not me...they are so much more. Why am I even talking about this you ask? Well yesterday was a fabulous day. When I got home from work, I had two packages waiting for me on my front door. One was from my mom...a brand new pair of VS Pink Sweatpants...Yippee! All of my current ones are bright colors so I'm happy to add a darker one to the mix. The other package was from my awesome sister-in-law Carlyn. She got me some Virginia sweats...that's where she goes to college. YAY! I love them...they are big and boyish and absolutely perfect. What a fun way to end my Thursday...presents. YAY! Thanks Mom and Carlyn...I love you both!!

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