Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I'm Beginning to Wonder

Will the weather in Utah EVER be nice??? Seriously, I'm so over this crap weather I could just vomit. We'll have one nice day to get me all anxious and excited and then the weather guy slaps me in the face and is all "Just Kidding," more rain, snow and cold weather to come. Its a good thing that guy is kinda hot, otherwise I might not ever want to watch his predictions again.

We did get out on our mountain bikes yesterday after work. The Bonneville Shoreline trail is in perfect condition...not too hot, bone dry, not too many loose rocks, and the snakes are still sleeping. There were approximately 2 million people also out on the trail yesterday. It was the most crowded I've seen it in a long time. It was fun though, and its definitely getting easier for me. Garrett and I passed lots and lots of guys...I know it hurts their self esteem pretty bad to be passed by a little blonde girl. I can tell from the huffing and puffing and near asthma attacks I hear behind me right after I go by them.

Mogley is at Camp Barkalot today, thank the Lord. He was full of energy last night and kept me up chewing on bones, toys, pacing, etc. Garrett could sleep through a hurricane so stuff like that doesn't really bother him. He usually comes home with not enough energy to stand, which is fine by me. He has learned a rather annoying habit at daycare, BARKING. Barking at anything and everything. We couldn't figure out where he picked up that precious habit but Garrett noticed that when he picked him up from Daycare all 150 dogs were having a delightful time barking at air. Perfect. He's part golden, part poodle and part douchebag. Money well spent.

Munch is definitely on the mend, back to his old crabby self. I always take full advantage of his sickness, he loves to be held and cuddled and I can pretty much do anything I want to him and I still get a loving lick. But now, he's back. The moment I start to put my face near his he gives me the "oh no you don't you crazy woman" look that I so hate.

My work week is 1/2 over. This thought makes me smile.


Kari said...

What weather channel do you watch?

I am blessed with a nice quiet black lab. He NEVER barks.

Britt said...

Fox 13...Damon Yauney.

Birdie said...

Hehe, I figured you were talking about Damon. I've run into him at a couple of parties before. He's cuter on the weather :)