Wednesday, April 2, 2008

An Update from Tuesday, and More

**UPDATE** We did not get to paint. Garrett went outside to get the paint and, low and behold, the bucket was empty. Also, conveniently, Sherwin Williams was closed. One would think "WE" would have checked that first, but apparently "WE" do not do things like that. "WE" just assume that we have paint-a-plenty. So "I" get to go buy paint today and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, we better get that trim painted or I might have an anxiety seizure and die. Then the trim paint would all be for nothing, and we dont want that now do we? **UPDATE**

On a happy note, I just purchased a new cell phone. Going back to my procrastination of buying things, I have been thinking of buying one since September of 2007. I have needed to buy one since September 2007, seeing as though I threw mine, on accident, across the driveway. It died, to no ones surprise. Being the cheapo and undecisive person that I am, I have managed to prolong this purchase thanks to my Daddy. He didn't use his cell phone much, okay at all, since he had to look for it when I asked him about it. He offered to let me use it until I was ready to buy my own. So, he (my Mom) shipped it on up to Utah where I have been using it ever since. So the past few weeks I have had a very bad feeling. A feeling that I was going to kill his phone and then end up having to buy 2 new phones. So finally, today, I broke down and bought one. Hopefully it will be here in a couple of days so I can send my Dad's phone back to Texas with him safe and sound, in perfectly good, working condition.

Tonight, while the husband is PAINTING, I will start cleaning. I need to call the damn maid, but again, I'm just not that spontaneous...and slightly worried that she won't do a good job for my money. Just ask Garrett, I'm slightly crazy when it comes to cleaning day. Its not that he's not a good toilet scrubber, its just that I'm so much better:) That should be okay...he is better at things like "fixing" or "moving" or "hauling." I don't know why I obsess about a clean house. I know my parents won't care either way, its just something I have to do. Its really not even that dirty I guess, just a palace of toy fuzz thanks to my furry children. We only thought Mogley slept through the night...really he tries to spread toy fuzz over every square foot of my house. Last night he successfully covered just about every square foot, high five Mogley. I appreciate it. Well, at least he's not chewing the coffee table, right? Am I right?

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