Monday, August 25, 2008

Interesting Turn of Events

A Month Ago:

Garrett: So I was thinking we should take the dogs and go camping Labor Day weekend.

Me: Sounds like fun. We should.


Me: So are we still going to go camping this weekend?

Garrett: Well, if you really want to, but I'd really like to work in the yard, putting in new sprinklers and such so we can get the new patio poured and the sod layed and the new fence put up so I can finally install that hot tub you've been harassing me about for 2 1/2 years.

Me: We're finally going to get a hot tub? Maybe we should just buy it and stack it in the garage like the kitchen tile.

Garrett: Do you want a hot tub or not?

Me: Hmmm. Who are you and what have you done with my husband? You know, the husband who likes to fish and ride his bike and neglect all other responsibilities. That one.


Birdie said...

Wow, that's ambitious!! I'm impressed.

Kari said...

Let him do the yard. The hot tub would be fun! Think of coming back from a fun day of skiing, boarding, snowshoeing, etc. and being able to get in the hot tub. Think of the nights when you have a nice cold beer and the snow is falling from the sky onto your face. Think of how nice it would be to get in the hot tob after riding your bike 80 tub...

{Hilary} said...

There is never a happy's one way or the the other.
Sorry by the sounds of it this are working in the yard.
Plus, I like Kair's thoughts.