Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Sometimes Life Just Sucks

My Mom informed me yesterday that she has breast cancer, AGAIN. We are very lucky it was caught early and it has not spread and I have no doubt she will pull through this easier and quicker than last time. She's a pro afterall.

However, the fact that she has to have surgery again, worry again, lose her hair again, and have chemo once a week for 4-6 months again has forced me to lose what little FAITH I had left. So if everyone can pray for her, that would be fantastic...at this point, for me, there is no one to pray to and maybe for the first time, I feel really good about that. Bad things happening to good people is not something I'm willing to negotiate or understand.

This being said, there are things I believe in. I believe in my husband and our love for one another. That heals my wounds, not the unknown. I believe in family and friends...they are the ones that have always been there for me. I believe in taking control of your own life, not relying on the unknown to take control of it for you.

So, during times like this, I always come to the same realization. Live your life to the fullest. Take that vacation you've always wanted. Spend all your time with the people you love. Don't go to a job everyday that doesn't make you happy. We only have this one life and I intend on making the best of mine.


Kari said...

I'm so sorry to hear that Britt! She will definately be in my prayers. I've been trying to live each day like its my last and its kinda hard sometimes. Life's little challenges get in the way but I've done worked hard to move them out of the way.

Kari said...
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Birdie said...

Be strong and try to stay positive!! You will both be in my thoughts and prayers.