Monday, December 17, 2007

It's a BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is a picture of our new baby boy. How cute is he? Seriously. It kills me I can't have him right now. Garrett and I are super excited. We just hope the adjusting period for our Munchie isn't too long. I'm sure they'll be the best of buddies...eventually. We're still not dead set on a name though. We like Muttley, Atlas, Finn, and Murphy. I thought Magoo would be cute but Garrett said we would look & sound like idiots outside yelling for Magoo. Plus, he said it would be mean to name a dog Magoo. Well, I'm not sure I agree, but unfortunately, he does get a say. Let me know if any of you have any fabulous ideas.


Hilary said...

I can't wait to meet him in person.
Personal, I like Murphy.
Munch & cute.

Kari said...

I like Finn. It sounds as if you have a little Irish naming going on?

Birdie said...


I'm so excited for you, how much longer till you can bring him home??

BTW, I like all your name choices :)