Friday, January 25, 2008

Gutters and Walls and Tile...Oh My!!

It is Friday morning and I am done with the home projects...well at least for the next 4 hours I am at work. Garrett is in project mode and we have been working our butts off. I'm certainly not complaining but its hard work to work all day and then come home and work some more. Garrett has done a lot more than I have, basement wise, but I have to go to the store, make dinner, clean up, clean up the house in general and then help downstairs if I'm needed. So last night we painted the basement, both the den and the bedroom. It feels good to get it done. When I get off work today, we're going to Home Depot to rent a carpet stretcher to put the carpet back down. I hope it goes as easily as we're hoping. We have someone coming to stay with us this weekend, so when he leaves, we'll have to finish the trim work. No biggie. Also, this morning we're having people come out to give us an estimate on putting up gutters around our house. We've been needing them for a while, so it will be good just to pay someone to do the work for a change. So today, after the carpet and gutters, we are going to go and pick out tile for our kitchen. Yippee! I hate, hate, hate my kitchen tile. Its stark white with gray grout, yuck is right. Especially with 2 dogs and a husband that can't seem to take his shoes off before he comes in the house, wet with snow and all. Pick your battles Brittany. It is just floor, right? I really am just sick of cleaning them on a daily basis. I mean, I don't care if they're dirty, I just don't want to see it. Garrett did say we could get a maid, I have just been hesitant. I'm a fairly thourough cleaner and I'm just afraid I will be disappointed with anyone else's work. But, I'm off kitchen floors. I'm pretty sure I know I want slate and I even think I know which color, but we just need to go check it out. Garrett's buddy from work who helped us drywall last weekend offered to help us tile the kitchen (he's pretty good we hear) so Garrett wants to get it done asap, before RJ changes his mind. haha So, this all sounds very tiring, I know. I wish I could afford to pay someone to do all these things, but I can't. So, I guess we'll just continue to work, work, work. At least with house work, you're kindof working for ourself...that's something right?

1 comment:

Birdie said...

Sounds like you have been hard at work!! Let me know how it goes on the gutter estimate, we need to get them also. And I'm excited for you to get kitchen tile!! Are you going to Contempo Tile? I love that place, it's worth checking out. Can't wait to see it all finished!