Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Mogley has Arrived!!!

Garrett and I finally got our puppy. Garrett picked out the name Mogley, which I think is a great name and suits him well. So far, he is really well behaved...for a puppy. He has a great disposition and is such a happy little guy. Potty training is coming along nicely, he certainly grasps the concept, especially with a treat. He learned to sit the first day we had him. He is just so stinkin cute. That being said, it still will be nice when he is a little older and we don't have to follow his every move, waiting for bad behavior. So here he is...try not to die from all the cuteness.


Kari said...

Finally...I've been waiting to see new pics of the babe! He is to die for and so cute and fuzzy!!! I can't wait to meet him.

{Hilary} said...

Mogley really is ADORABLE!
How can you not love that puppy face? Really? How often do you kiss Mogley? I think my lips would be permanently attached to his face.