Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Winter...I'm over it.

Every fall, I can't wait until WINTER. Winter brings snow, skiing, snowshoeing, sledding, Christmas, my Birthday, fun Jackets...who wouldn't be excited? Then it comes and its great at first. Now, I'm sick of having to tromp in the snow to get from the car to my house, I'm sick of it being too cold to run outside, I'm sick of always wet and dirty kitchen floors, I'm sick of having paw prints on the floors, I'm sick of it being so cold we can't even take the dogs on a walk, I'm sick of my car being a complete disaster, I'm sick of leaving for work in the dark and coming home from work in the dark, but most of all, I'm sick of not being able to ride my bikes. I really miss riding. This all dawned on me after reading Robin's post today. I want Spring to be here already. I want to ride my bikes. My poor mountain bike hasn't been ridden in so long...look at her, sitting there all lonely on the wall. AND, I have some brand new mountain bike shoes, still in the box, that I'm dieing to try out. Aren't they pretty? (Most of you will say No, they are hideous and ugly but I love them and please try not to ruin it for me) Well, winter will be over before I know it and then I'll be complaining that I miss the snow and skiing. I can never just be content and happy. What would I do with myself if I didn't have something to complain about?


Birdie said...

I think your shoes are hot!!

Britt said...

Thanks Robin! I knew you could appreciate them.

Kari said...

I'm over winter too! For different reasons...but it's all the same in the end!