Tuesday, January 8, 2008

C'mon 2008...You can do Better

So we are only 8 days into 2008 and I have managed to injure myself already. I had all intentions of making it through 2008 w/out some random, weird, "only me" injury. Not the case. Its not that I'm careless, I'm just unlucky...apparently. 2007 was not a good year for me. I broke my elbow 2 weeks before my wedding, developed a rare form of tendonitis in my wrist, and hurt myself so many times on my mountain bike, I can't even begin to remember what they all were. I'm a walking scar.

What happened this time you ask? I wish I knew. All I know yesterday, January 7, was one of the most traumatic days I have ever encountered. It all started Sunday after a fun day of skiing. Skiing was epic and Garrett and I had a lot of fun. We were almost all the way back home (40 minutes after we left) and I felt a horrible pain in my big toe. Garrett thought I was crazy. I pulled my sock off and found my big toe nail was completely black. I guess I never felt the trauma b/c my feet were so damn cold. WTF??? Anyway, I was in serious, nauseating pain. So much so, I called the doctor first thing Monday morning...and I usually try to avoid doctors at all costs cause in my opinion, it is usually a huge waste of time and copay. Thank the lord they got me in at 1:30. (sidenote: I was looking like a total idiot at work with a dressy skirt and shirt with ugg boots cause they were the only thing I could put on that didn't make me want to scream...the show "What not to Wear" would have loved me.) Anyway, I made it to the doctor. They looked at my toe and decided right away it was a hematoma under my nail and they were going to need to drain it before it got infected. I freaked out as she left the room for supplies (needles, burner thing). I hate needles of all sorts and sizes. Whoever invented those things are bastards. I can usually muster up confidence to do these sorts of things, but I need time to prepare myself and possibly a zanex or two. I was given no choice and this event seemed it was just going to happen. So, in they come. They sprayed my toe with "freezy spray" which did not help by the way. The 3-4 shots of anastetia hurt like hell. I'm not over exaggerating...it was awful. After my toe was numb, she proceeded to burn a hole in my toenail to drain out all the blood...which smelled horrible by the way. BLAH. It didnt hurt, I could just feel the pressure. Okay, good its over. When she told me I could sit up, I looked at the hole in my toe, still oozing blood and all the bloody gauze on the tray and, wait for it, FAINTED. I woke up shortly thereafter with an ice pack on my head. Only me, seriously. What an awful day. As I always have to say to Garrett, "Why Me?"

1 comment:

Kari said...

Ha! Ha! What was the hematoma caused from? That sounds awful Britt! I'm glad you got it taken care of!