Thursday, July 17, 2008

Is it Friday Yet?

This is going to be a super random post, please be forewarned.

This has been a long week for me. Garrett has been super busy at work, working late and arriving to work at a time when usually our alarm clock hasn't even gone off. Just when I think I have fallen back to sleep, the sound of his diesel truck starts and its all over. Not that I'm complaining. This job of his has been a relief to me, no traveling to China makes me a happy wife. I'll wake up whenever he needs to, make him coffee even, if it means he is coming home later that night. Oh how would it be to work from home? I need to figure out how to make that happen.

So, next week we might be heading to good ole' Austin, Texas. Garrett's friend from highschool is getting married, but I must say, that is not the real reason we want to go. A couple friends are coming into town for the wedding so we think it would just be an excuse to go there, hang out and most certainly eat some Hula Hut nachos. I think it might be fun. Why am I underlining might? Well because we're still not sure if we'll be going. IF we go, we'll be flying on Southwest Airline's version of Buddy passes so we'll only go to the airport if things are looking good. I've always said I will never rely on those things, but here I am, relying. Do you see how much I love and trust my husband, me going against something I feel very strongly about. So, for his sake, I hope we don't get stranded in Phoenix, Arizona. Happy wife will quickly turn into Angry, frustrated wife. AND no one wants to hang out with her.

There is this adorable boutique in the 9th and 9th area, Koo DE Kur, which is surprisingly reasonable for boutique clothes. I have gone in several times now and have found tons of stuff I LOVE, but never buy anything. WHY? Because they only have Large and X Large in everything cute. It drives me nuts. The girls that work there say that the smalls and extra smalls go fast and I'm all, I don't know, if this was my business I might just order more of the small sizes since they are completely sold out of all of them all the time and the big sizes just sit in the store, eventually making their way to the sale racks. But what do I know? ARGHHHHH.

Last night, since Garrett had to work late, I had a chance to clean the house. It feels good going into the weekend knowing its already done. I don't have to devote one single second of my weekend dusting, scrubbing a toilet, cleaning the stove, etc. I'm not going to say sweeping only b/c that is a daily chore of mine, especially since I STILL have bright white tile and 3 very messy boys in my life. When we do decide to have a baby, please God give me a girl. Don't even get me started on the tile. Sore subject.

So I Finally ordered a small camera, one I can easily haul around everywhere I go...its supposed to arrive today. Usually, I attempt to haul around my giant SLR, but sometimes its such a pain in the ass. Especially if you want someone else to snap a picture with it...most are completely dumbfounded you actually have to look through a viewfinder and then its almost impossible to explain how to take the pic so usually, I don't even bother with the whole process. Anyway, we did lots of research and picked the Canon SD870. I think its going to be a great little camera and I can't wait to start using it this weekend.

Can I just say I'm so happy its Friday.

1 comment:

{Hilary} said...

When will your camera arrive?
Bring it to work so I can check it out.