Monday, October 20, 2008

Cleaning Time

We had a very productive weekend, I must say. The house has never looked so clean, and not just visually clean, but really clean. My husband was such a trooper, helping with everything. And not that he shouldn't be helping, I mean, 1/2 the mess is his but he didn't complain once.

We cleaned cabinets and shelves and drawers and closets and everywhere else in between. It was spring cleaning in October. The back of my car is filled with donations, we have several items on ebay and I finally have sold my wedding dress...tear. I'm sad to see it go, but it will serve a better purpose being worn rather than hanging on my closet door. Doesn't this sound fun?

We did manage to do a couple fun things. Friday we went up to Park City to hang out and eat with Garrett's parents. Saturday morning, bright and early, Garrett and I headed over to the Black Diamond ski swap. For those who have never been, its basically a flea market for outdoor gear. We each picked up a new pair of Black Diamond gloves (we absolutely don't need new gloves, but couldn't turn them down for $5 a pair). Garrett bought a new bike saddle, yeah like we don't have enough of those, but that too, was too good a deal to pass up. Sunday morning we ran errands, rode our mountain bikes, and had dinner with Garrett's parents at Desert Edge, and a good meal was had by all.

I know everyone is totally jealous. Garrett and I are soooo FUN these days.

1 comment:

Kari said...

You sold your wedding dress? Sniff, sniff, sniff. Was that hard?