Thursday, October 23, 2008


I really like this picture, to me it symbolizes change. Change is good. I feel like I'm needing a little change in my life right now so I'm just going to hope for it and we'll see what happens.

I'm so excited about this lovely Fall weather we're having. The 7 day weather forecast is very Pleasantville like, sunny with highs in the mid 60's. My weatherman has totally redeemed himself from all the bad news he delivered during our last, awful winter. A friend of mine who lives in Southern California informed me she was jealous of our seasons...I reminded her that I would be the jealous one come May when I was shoveling the effin snow off our driveway. Okay, watching Garrett shovel the effin snow off our driveway.

Yesterday, Garrett and I took Mogley on his first real run. I hope he enjoyed himself because he's almost a year old now and he needs to get his lazy butt off the couch. In other exciting Mogley news, I took the advice of Robin and purchased a Furminator for the doodle. It arrived yesterday and holy shit, I could totally make a doodle coat and scarf set from all the hair that came off of him. Using it is so rewarding and completely disgusting all at the same time. The furminator rocks, despite its rather hefty pricetag. And to all those breeders out there claiming doodles don't shed...liars, all of you.

To end, here is a picture taken in Millcreek Canyon, just as the sun was setting.


Anonymous said...

Wise purchase :) The second step is using it! We are still struggling with that one!!

Unknown said...

Furminator can really get the hair out! We have been using their stuff at our dog wash for years, and I don't think I have ever have a dog that didn't shed at least some hair. Anyway, I had to post because I laughed out loud about the doodle coat and scarf (cruelty-free fur clothing?); Make sure to post a picture of you doodle-scarf...