Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

My poor little Munchie bat. He had to go into the vet this morning to have a fox tail removed from his foot. It was too deep and infected so he had to be sedated. Hopefully he will be feeling better by this evening so he can entertain us with his cuteness. He's going to make such a cute bat, not that Munch the bee or Munch the shark wasn't cute.

I love Halloween. It's such a fun holiday...grownups can dress like fools and no one cares, just for this one day. I'm not dressing up this year, but I did manage to make a Halloween tutu to wear over my jeans. Its better than nothing. 2 years ago today, Garrett asked me to marry him so that makes Halloween all the more special to me. Its my second favorite day ever, right after my wedding.

I hope everyone has a fun/safe Halloween. I'll be spending mine humiliting my dogs and truthfully, I can't think of anything better :)

1 comment:

Birdie said...

Does the doodle have a costume? It's a lot harder to dress up the big puppies....