Thursday, October 16, 2008

Made my Day

This is a conversation that Garrett and I have ALL the time when he gets in my car:

Garrett: Brittany you are going to run out of gas.

Me: No I'm not, the gas thingy says 14 more miles and in the owner's manual it says that even when the gas thingy says 0, you still have 2 more gallons of gas. So even though it says 14 miles, its practially full.

Garrett: You shouldn't let it get this low, its not good for the car. You better not run this thing out of gas.

Me: Don't worry. I never have. I'm on top of things.

This is the conversation I had this morning when my husband called me not long after he left for work:

Me: Hello, what did you forget?

Garrett: Nothing. Guess what? I was almost to the gas station and I ran out of my truck is stalled in the road. (I hear honking)

Me: Wait, what? Do you mean to tell me that the gas nazi himself ran his truck out of gas?

Garrett: shut up.

Me: Just checking. I just wanted to hear it again. Wait, where's Mogley? Did you drop him off at Daycare already?

Garrett: No, he's in the truck.

Me: I'm embarrased for him. Poor little dude.


Birdie said...

Haha! This is one of those priceless moments you will be able to use against him forever!!

Anonymous said...

Ha - I only drive our car like once a week, on the weekends, and somehow it's always low on gas! So Beth gets a hard time since she drives it to work everyday and never seems to buy gas!

Moab looked "fun"


Kari said...

Tee Hee! I love it!!!

Leicy said...

That is so funny, becuase I have made it down to like 6 miles (on the 4 Runner mile detector thingy) and than chcicken out, and went and bought gas.