Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Baby's Got a New Pair of Pink Goggles

Yesterday I was finally able to find some goggles that fit my abnormally small nose. BEHOLD. I look kinda ridiculous with goggles on so I thought it would be better to humiliate Munch, make him model the new diggs. Doesn't he look thrilled? He's all Don't you have a new victim, a perfectly good Doodle to harass and exploit on the internet? DAMN IT WOMAN. I feel like, if Munch could talk, that would be his most used phrase. Just a guess.
Anyway, the goggles. When Garrett and I got home from work, we put our swimsuits on and took the scooter to the Salt Lake Sports Complex. My quick review for anyone interested: Its a nice facility. I love the outdoor lap pool, perfect for summer. For those who know me, this was a big step. I have a small phobia of public pools and for good reason. I was almost over it last summer and then the outbreak of Crypto hit Salt Lake, in kinda epidemic proportions. What is Crypto you ask: Lets ask Wikipedia.
Crypto is a germ that causes diarrhea. Crypto, short for Cryptosporidium, is found in infected people's stool and cannot be seen by the naked eye. This germ is protected by an outer shell that allows it to survive for long periods of time and makes it resistant to chlorine disinfection found in pools.
Feel free to vomit now.
I had no interest in swallowing baby diarrhea so we opted out of the whole pool thing last summer. The Salt Lake pools have made some changes and restrictions so I'm giving them another shot. Plus, I'm going to do an Xterra Race in Ogden this summer so I really need the swim practice. So really, I'm still totally grossed out but I'm doing this in an effort to not drown in August. I'm pretty sure Garrett would miss me.

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