Thursday, June 26, 2008

Kill Me Now

Ask Garrett, I have some really strange phobias. I am generally a very tough girl but I am terrified of certain things that most people find 100 percent un-terryifying. Take the Eye Doctor. I have nightmares about these horrible people. I would rather go to the gynecologist once a week than go to the eye doctor once a year. It's weird, I know. Its so bad in fact that I have managed to make a years worth of contacts stretch for over 2 years. Well today was my Dooms Day. I wouldn't go at all if I didn't desperately need contacts. I would rather take my chances with glaucoma. Hell, I would rather take my chances in a pen of hungry lions, but those lions can't write me a damn prescription for contacts.

After my horrible eye exam with Sugarhouse Vision Clinic 2 years ago, I opted to try somewhere new. I went to Wasatch Vision and lets just say I didn't leave in a state of panic and I didn't cry once the entire time I was there. So, it went great. The doctor was very nice and acted as if he understood my fears...I don't even care if he was lying and thought I was a total whack job, I just felt better. So, $75 later, I left with my prescription. Today was a success.


{Hilary} said...

Way to conquer you fears.

Kari said...

Way to go! You can go see my friend if you want...she's really nice and gentle. She'll start in an office sometime in September after her maternity leave is over.