Monday, June 23, 2008


We had another beautiful weekend here in Salt Lake. This spell of nice weather is very much deserved and necessary for my sanity. I haven't thought one evil thought about the weather man in weeks, now isn't that something?

Friday Garrett and I took the Buddy Scooter to Porcupine Pub & Grille for dinner. This was our first time to eat there and I was pleasantly surprised. We really wanted to sit out on the patio, so we had to wait about 45 minutes for our table but that is always okay with us....we never have anywhere else to be. Plus, they have a huge selection of beers on tap so it gave us plenty of time to sample some of our favorites. The wait was totally worth it. The view from their patio is incredible and the weather was perfect for outdoor dining. Garrett had the pasta special and I ordered the nachos. For anyone who cares (Robin, I know you will share my enthusiasm), the nachos were AWESOME! It was heaping pile of cheesy, artery clogging goodness. These could very possibly be the best nachos in town, and coming from a nacho connoisseur such as myself, that is quite a statement.
Saturday morning we dragged ourselves out of bed and took the scooter over to the Farmer's Market. Even though we rarely buy anything, we really enjoy wandering around there on Saturday Mornings. We bring coffee with us cause Garrett is a cheapo and look at all the fun stuff people are selling. We did manage to buy one thing, a bag of Jack Mormon coffee. Garrett tried to buy some last week, but they were already sold out so I'm pretty sure its the only reason he even wanted to go but that's okay. We're not going to be able to go for a while due to Saturday commitments so I'm glad we went when we could. Their slogan "In search of the CELESTIAL BEAN" really cracks me up.

Saturday afternoon we went up to Park City to ride The Flying Dog loop again on our mountain bikes. Our efforts were thwarted when 2 moose were enjoying a delicious tree right on the trail. We tried to wait it out, but it was obvious they weren't going anywhere, and really, I don't blame them. Why should they have to? It's their home, we are the intruders. I didn't want to try and ride past them. Death by Moose would be pretty horrible and slightly embarassing. Anyway, a runner came by as we were watching them eat and showed us a way to bypass them. We finished our ride without any other mishaps. Perhaps my favorite part of the ride was near the end...we could hear the song "Luckenbach Texas" playing somewhere...oh the memories. Sweet, sweet drunken memories.
Sunday was a nice, relaxing day. We took the dogs to Tanner Park to burn off some energy running and playing in the water. After about a mile hike in, there is a fresh water pool that is always filled with dogs swimming and playing. Munch just jumps from rock to rock, walking in the water only when it's safe. Mogley, on the other hand, loves the water. Garrett was set on making him swim and he was successful. Garrett had to help him out a little at first, but after a few tries, he was fetching sticks no problem, like he's been swimming his whole life. After we got home, Garrett and I took the Buddy over to the Salt Lake Sports Complex for our swim. I'm starting to feel a lot stronger and am taking time off my 1500 meters everytime I swim. Hopefully I'll be ready for August.

Well that's pretty much our weekend. I hope everyone has a good work week. Do you feel this positive attitude beaming through me? See what a little nice weather does for a person?


Birdie said...

I've never had the Porcupine nachoes, I will make it a priority to try them!

And you'll have to let me know if the coffee turns out to be good :)

Kari said...

My fav at the Porcupine is the Caesar salad, if you like that kind of thing. The dressing is to die for! Yummy!

I bought that coffee last year and loved it!
