Monday, June 2, 2008

Sundance Spin

Saturday usually means one thing to me...getting up at the crack of dawn to participate in pure torture for a couple of hours. This past Saturday was no exception. Our race this week was at the Sundance Ski Resort. Garrett and I have never made the trek up there, but I must say, it's beautiful. The trails were in awesome shape and the views from the singletrack were breathtaking. Anyway, I was feeling pretty good Saturday morning. We got there plenty early and had time to ride around on the course for our warm up...usually we're hurrying just to make it to the start in time. The start of the course was a fairly long climb up the road. I hammered down, trying to get a gap on the other girls b/c I know they can probably catch me on the downhill. I succeeded and managed to keep my lead until the end. This was my first win as a Sport Rider...I was pretty happy with myself. My hubby took 3rd. I was very proud of him, he has a very tough group of guys to ride with. So, all in all, it was a successful day for us. We both made the podium, so what more could we ask for?

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