Monday, September 15, 2008

Holy Hottub

So we are now the proud owners of a hottub. It's definitely used but it works, doesn't look too terrible and only cost us $300. I've been wanting one since we moved into our house, so I'm pretty excited. As you can see from the picture, its currently sitting on a trailer in my driveway, doing me absolutely no good, but all in good time. The inside is perfect, so I think it will look good as new with a coat of paint to the outside, I'm thinking a funky green. The new patio is supposed to be poured on Wednesday, so maybe, just maybe (but I'm definitely not getting my hopes up) we can use it this weekend. Garrett mentioned something about working on the sprinklers this weekend and I'm not feeling very confident that my SAD FACE and sigh did the trick to make him reconsider. We'll see.

Anyway, so this weekend was very labor intensive, preparing the backyard for a hottub, I mean patio. Saturday morning we got up, went for a 5 mile run, filled a truck full and trailer full of crap and went to the dump, one of Garrett's very favorite things to do. I'm not sure if my favorite part is the horrible smell (Garrett's truck does not have a functioning a/c so we get to ride with the windows open) or the blood sucking flies. Toss up. So after unloading all our garbage, we headed back home to attach the trailer to the 4Runner so we could go pick up our new (new to us) hotttub from ParkCity. This is the part where things get tricky. Garrett measured the trailer and we realized it was about 4 inches shy of being wide enough. Super. After some thought, Garrett's idea was to prop it on some 2x4's and strap it down. It worked, thank god, but I'm not going to lie and say I didn't cringe the entire way home, waiting for the hot tub cover to launch off or the hottub to slide right off the back. Luckily, we made it home safely.

Sunday sucked. Garrett and I spent the ENTIRE day putting in window wells. You see, almost a year ago, when we dug out the windows, we never bothered to put in the wells. Not so smart and we payed the price for our laziness yesterday. My husband bought the window wells on Friday and decided to go with the 4 foot deep wells, not the 3 foot ones as discussed. So not only were they $20 more per well, but that meant some very serious digging and pickaxing. The wells are 4 foot deep and they have to sit a foot under our windows so you can just imagine a very deep hole. After the holes were dug, we had to screw them into our concrete foundation. I didn't do all that much for this part, but I was an essential part of the process, the hander of tools. I think I did a fantastic job and as in normal Brittany fashion, managed to burn my hand on the drill bit. After they were screwed in, it was back to Home Depot for gravel. We put gravel in the wells and had to back fill the holes. I'm trying to see the bigger picture here...see the weekend as productive but I'm having a hard time today, well my sore body is anyway.

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