Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Doodle Daycare

Today , Mogley goes to Daycare. This should be interesting. Today is his trial day, a day to see if this place "fits" him and to see if his fun is worth my money. Not that its a lot of money...if you buy the 20 day book, its only $10 a day, which is like 4 Dead Guy Ales from the liquor store, my new favorite, very expensive beer, so he better have the best day of his life and appreciate it. Garrett was slightly bummed this place didn't have a doggy webcam so he could possibly see him run across his screen perhaps once during the entire day and I was like, Is it worth an extra five dollars a day to see a flash of our dog on a webcam...a dog we see ALL THE TIME. He was like NO and we all moved on.

The doggie daycares really make me laugh. The first and last time we took Munch, we were like 2 parents, scared to leave their child at preschool, deathly frightened of what he might say or do to the other children. We know the real Munch. Not the crazy, funny noise making bundle of cuteness the employees first see. We know the ticking time bomb he really is. One dog looking at him the wrong way and he's so over it and totally loses all composure he once had. Yep, that's my Munchie. I think he gets that twinge of bi-polar behavior from me. One minute I'm driving along in the car singing along with the radio, the next I'm screaming horrible things at the lady in the car next to me, wishing horrible ways for her to die a slow and painful death, all for causing me to get home 2 seconds later b/c she forgot to use her blinker to turn and I didn't have a chance to go around her. I have issues too, and I'm working on them so I shouldn't give Munch shit for losing it on a dog that wouldn't stop sniffing his butt. Right? Anyway, he spent most of his daycare stint in Doggie Timeout. Shocking. His cuteness got him an invite back but I decided not to waste my money for him to stand in solitary confinement all day, pissed off at the world, when he could be laying at home on his corner of the couch, waiting all day to go bizerk over the mailman...thinking about the day he'll finally get that bastard.

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