Monday, March 3, 2008

Poor, Poor Mogley

This week, the first week in March, is both a happy and sad week for our little Mogley. In happy news, he turns 4 months old today. Happy 4 Month Old Birthday Mogley! In somewhat sadder news, this will also be the week that Mogley loses his manhood. That poor little guy has no idea.
Notice his new cowlick on the top of his head. What is that about? Garrett thinks it gives him character. I think he looks ridiculous. I wonder if he's going to get a poodle fro like his mom? Yikes, I hope not.
Garrett and I had a really good weekend. We certainly can't complain. Friday, when I got off work at noon :), I finally went and bought most of my bedding for my guest bedroom. I'm super excited about it. I ended up buying the Nora duvet and shams from Pottery Barn. I decided to go "bright and cheery" to make the basement bedroom not so "dungeon-like." I bought white sheets, a nice fluffy down alternative to go in the duvet and a white quilt. I think its going to look fabulous!! Now all I need is a bedskirt and its done...well the bedding part. We decided we are going to paint the room green. Actually the same green as the picture. I found out what color that is so that is the next project. My parents are coming to visit the first week in April so I'd like to have it done by then. Garrett and I need deadlines. We're not lazy, we're just not motivated.
So after my bedding buys, I gave the house a major cleaning. It sorta needed it. The best part is, we've managed to keep it looking pretty clean the entire weekend. Yay. I know I shouldn't clean so much, but I just love coming home to a nice, clean house...not a disaster zone. Friday night we went over to Pete and Hilary's just to hang out. Joe and Robin joined too...just like old times. It was fun...we haven't done that in a while. The dogs played, Garrett and Pete argued, the girls chatted and large amounts of alcohol were consumed. Just like old times.
Saturday Garrett and I decided to pass on the resort lift lines and crowds and headed out into the backcountry for a fun day of skiing. I'm really liking my new gear, its so much more comfortable and light than my alpine stuff. Skinning up the mountain is such a great workout. Its a lot like snowshoeing, only you don't have to hike back down once you've made it to the top. You take off your skins, put on lots of clothes and ski back down to the car. We both had a really good time. It was cloudy out and you could see the storm about to come in over the Salt Lake Valley. It was really cool to see. Saturday night we met up with some friends for dinner at Red Rock. Can I just say that their Steak Sandwich is one of the best sandwiches I've ever had. Garrett and I are not big steak eaters AT fact we rarely eat it, I certainly don't buy it. We heard that Red Rock made an awesome steak sandwich so we couldn't resist. It was so good. I totally recommend it.

Looking out into the Salt Lake Valley from Little Cottonwood Canyon...check out the storm rolling in
Our new Black Diamond skis...aren't they pretty?
There we are.
Another View of the Storm
Sunday we went up to Snowbasin for some early morning skiing. We had a lot of fun...especially the first couple of runs. The snow was really nice at first but then the wind picked up. All the new snow was getting blown off so it made things a little difficult. We didn't care...we just went home. We get so spoiled living here. To most people, yesterday was probably a great day of skiing. Living here, skiing every weekend, you just get picky. When we got home, we took the dogs to the dog park. Yes they acted like maniacs. Yes they got muddy and gross. Yes they jumped on people. Yes they had a Blast. I love taking them there. They have so much fun and it totally wears them out. We had some plans to work in the basement, but we bailed and lounged around the rest of the afternoon. Good Weekend. No complaints.

1 comment:

Birdie said...

Cute bed! I'd love to see the guest room after all put together.