Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Happiest Place on Earth

So, this weekend, a couple that Garrett and I are friends with flew to Disneyland for the weekend? The dude was not looking forward to the torture that awaited him in Anaheim, California. He told Garrett, sarcastically of course, he was off to the "Happiest Place on Earch." It really just makes me laugh that Disneyland still has that slogan. Its usually stifling hot, you wait in long lines all day, you spend gobs of money on food, tickets and souveneirs for the kiddos...all to take pictures of people dressed as our favorite disney characters (which by the way...these people are probably not right...dressed in mega hot costumes in the dead of summer, all to hang out with small decide). To me, "the happiest place on earth" involves a swim suit, sand and a pina colada with a cherry on top.

1 comment:

Kari said...

Yes, I too will be visiting the "Happiest Place on Earth" in October with the rest of the state of Utah during UEA weekend. To me, that is NOT a vacation but I am doing it for the kiddos, only they better get their fill.