Wednesday, May 21, 2008

...also Happy Birthday Munch

I would also like to wish a Happy Birthday to my best little buddy Munch. I know that I wrote more for/about him than Garrett, but Munch doesn't mind me embarrassing him...or at least he can't tell me that he does and oh yeah, he's totally used to it. Plus, Garrett's real birthday present from me **LATER, wink, wink** is definitely better than anything Munch will get. Okay, so I had to say something slightly embarrassing about Garrett, its only fair.

Dear Munch,

Today (well possibly today…see footnote) is your 4th Birthday. I am grateful everyday that you became part of my life. The last 4 years you have brought out all of my emotions: joy, sorrow, wonder, and anger. You are absolutely irreplaceable and I hope we have many more years together. In dog years, you are 28.

28 Things I LOVE about you:

I love the way you sit, it’s so awkwardly cute.
I love the spot on your cute little head. It’s perfectly centered and turns into a Mohawk when you’re alert.
I love that you lay on my side of the bed, even if only because your dad pushes you there.
I love that you think it’s your job to protect the house.
I love that you are always interested in my injuries, always sniffing them and looking very concerned.
I love your noises, snoring, farting, and all.
I love your piglet tail.
I love your big bat ears.
I love your kisses.
I love that you let us hold you upside down.
I love that you have decided to live peacefully with your brother.
I love that you only play with your toys when we get home, otherwise I think they annoy you.
I love that you do a kick ass superman, off of just about anything.
I love that you are a good car rider, you are comatose, just like a baby.
I love that you spit your treat out at me when you are mad.
I love that you hate being clean, any chance and you’re rolling in dirt.
I love your persistence (not at the time, but thinking back)
I love that I can talk to you and it looks like you understand exactly what I’m saying.
I love that you put up with all my craziness…as evidence from your many Halloween costumes and jackets.
I love that you attack the water hose, shop vac, and rake like a crazy madman.
I love that you get stressed out when we move stuff around in the house.
I love that you pout in the corner when you’re in trouble.
I love that you are potty trained, cause God knows it took long enough.
I love the way you perch yourself up in the couch corner.
I love that you stare at your treat jar, sometimes for very long periods, when you want a treat.
I love that you wait for me to put you on the couch every morning before work, even though you are perfectly capable of jumping up there yourself.
I love that you would never hurt a fly on anyone’s head
I love the way you make us laugh, you are our number one source of entertainment. Sad but true.

As you can see, I love everything about you, the good and the bad. Here are a few reminders for you, as we have many, many more years to spend together.

You are not being sneaky by peeing on the kitchen rug. I know you did it.

There is no secret way out of the bathroom. No need for you to panic while I’m in there.

Running out the door and hiding under the car does not mean you will get to go.

Don’t eat the doodle’s food. I’m no idiot, I can hear you grabbing a bite every time you walk by.

We don’t need you barking at EVERY single person that walks by our house. I know you are just doing your job, but it’s unnecessary.

I know you have been getting on the futon while I’m in the shower. The trail of small white hairs gives you away. Now stop it.

If there is a loop or snag in the kitchen rug, that does not mean dig and pull at it until half the thing unravels.

I hope you have a great birthday Munch. Me, your Dad and your brother love you very much.

**Footnote: I don’t know Munch’s exact birthday so we gave him the same birthday as Garrett. I feel like a horrible dog mother. I lost his papers when he was a puppy so all I know is his birthday is in May. I’m awful I know.**

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